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  1. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Well for once (and I can't believe I am going to say this) you are mostly correct. That being said I see no evidence that I can find that Finnish police are trained to "shoot to wound", and all I can find is the same...
  2. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Yes but almost every country has a spot or two that is "dangerous" for police officers. It also happens that in the US they have gone the gun control route for most of those places, and it has not helped. I doubt though that every time a cop goes to those areas they are fully SWAT teamed up...
  3. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Hahahaha, I think you are the one who is confused when you make comments like shoot to kill. Ever cop I have ever talked to about training and such (many European, some American, and tonnes of Canadians) are all trained when they use there gun to shoot center of mass as its the easiest target...
  4. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Well Crni, I just put myself in their shoes. If I had to take on the worst the police have to deal with, I would want the same gear as well. Every hunting rifle would plough right on through pretty much every part of a normal car or truck besides the engine block. So yeah I would want an MRAP...
  5. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Honestly I see no issue with the police gear either, I did a bit at one time, but have been talking with some ex SWAT members here. For these guys its nothing but proper PPE, same as a construction worker putting on steel-toed boots and a hard hat. They go to work everyday in the same gear as...
  6. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    @MutantScalper Hey so it looks like the bombs sent might be fakes From CNN Ryan Morris, founder of Tripwire Operations Group, a company that provides explosives training to law enforcement and military officials, said that by examining images of two devices -- the one found Monday at Soros'...
  7. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    I don't know, not really my concern as I am not that partisan (unlike some others, and might be why I can have a real discussion). But I do know NOFX is heavily leftist (do damn political is why I stopped listening to there shit) and they seem to cheer on a guy shooting up what is seen as a...
  8. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    How did the FBI put it, don't make assumptions until any facts are known (I know hard to do these days). Also both sides seem to have there crazies that think stuff like that would actually gain them anything. You know shooting republicans at baseball games, country music concerts and such.
  9. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    And yet they seem to get treated as polar opposites. Got an opiate problem, well we better make a place for people to safely shoot up, got a gun problem chase after legal owners who have done nothing wrong. Also people are calling for more freedom around drug use, us Canadians just legalized...
  10. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Boy you really are dense aren't you, how did Crni put it, watching porn does not turn you into a sex addict, but you still would not let your kid watch it, is pretty close enough. People can become desensitized to things, that may be why the American military has used video games as recruitment...
  11. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Ah discovery education, we tried this here in Alberta, Canada for a good number of years, and while the theory sounds good where students figure out the skills with a teacher there to guide them. The program failed miserable with only those who would excel anyways exceling and those who would...
  12. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    No you got me wrong on the aspect of not doing things. We need to educate the parents not to let there kids watch or listen to those things. Parents should not be dragging there kids to these things. I am not about forcing people to do something, although I would be willing to hold them...
  13. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Well Crni, in some ways I agree and some I don't. I am unsure how exactly the education system works in your part of the world or class sizes and such, but I see one of the problems with the education system as being overcrowding of schools. With each teacher having less individual time for...
  14. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Yeah but as a society we are not giving men the tools to deal with this shit. Look at the Florida school shooter, loner who had no parents, were the fuck is he learning how to deal with shit? He didn't and so he ended up as a mentally deranged fucktard who shot a bunch of his ex-classmates...
  15. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Well unfortunately it may mean undoing some of the things we have been teaching boys over the last 30 years or more. This is not a short term thing and has been sliding down more as time goes on. I think we need to give up some of that childhood safety in schools, or while playing. When boys...
  16. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Some good points in that video Crni. I would tend to agree that masculinity, the death of it, and some people replacing it with guns is true somewhat. A bit of an oversimplification but it is not the guns fault, its ours as people.
  17. GonZo_626

    Game dev jobs

    They love games and want to make their mark would be my guess. Holds true that most jobs do not hold up to the awesomeness you hope for.
  18. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Well first the AK does not have some mystical level of durability, it is above average yes due to it being simple as fuck, I am sure you have played with the better finnish versions valmet makes, that is an actual mystical level of durability. That being said even my cheap ass norinco AR has a...
  19. GonZo_626

    Gun Control

    Wow your using a song as proof that most crime guns are Saturday night specials, and yet you own link for them states this. While Saturday night specials are commonly perceived as inexpensive, and therefore disposable after the commission of a crime, criminal behavior does not always conform to...
  20. GonZo_626

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Sorry for dragging something up from a couple of days ago, but this is completely ass backwards and the religious do not understand freedom of religion. Religious persecution is: You cannot do something because my religion tells me so. You know the fight against homosexuals, abortion. This is...