Search results

  1. dopezilla

    Alternatives to Caffeine?

    Can't you buy powdered caffeine and throw that in your OJ? Just be careful with the dose. Oh, there's also caffeine pills, so you won't have to worry about dosage anyway. Other than that, it might also be a sugar craving, right? How much caffeine does soda contain anyway?
  2. dopezilla

    How do you mean, "backed away from that"? First it is, then later on it isn't? That's just kind...

    How do you mean, "backed away from that"? First it is, then later on it isn't? That's just kind of sloppy.
  3. dopezilla

    Any games like Fallout?

    This looks sorta interesting. I wish there was more information available, but I guess I'll have to wait.
  4. dopezilla

    Why No Functioning Cars?

    What does "partially canon" even mean? And why did Bethesda declare tactics not canon? What did they gain by that decision?
  5. dopezilla

    Why No Functioning Cars?

    Then again, if the Enclave is able to produce Vertibirds, the Brotherhood of Steel hogs up pre-war tech and whatnot and becomes quite technically proficient, why don't they have any working vehicles at least? I mean, apparently synths are being produced by the thousands, but not one mechanic in...
  6. dopezilla

    Fuck, I didn't even know the series was based on a book(s). This sounds pretty cool.

    Fuck, I didn't even know the series was based on a book(s). This sounds pretty cool.
  7. dopezilla

    Fat Shaming: What's NMA's Thoughts?

    Eh, I live by the conviction that it's everyone's god given right to live as unhealthily as they please. Shaming people about their weight seems a little juvenile to me, and so does shaming anyone on lifestyle choices or sexual identity/preference. I'm a live and let live guy. I think people...
  8. dopezilla

    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    Adding all these books to my wishlist. Luckily the library has a pretty good collection here.
  9. dopezilla

    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    Definitely on my to-read-list. At the moment I'm busy with the Hyperion Cantos, though. Loving it so far! Definitely going to check out more by Dan Simmons. I have Fahrenheit 451 lying around too. Gonna start with that once I finish The Fall of Hyperion.
  10. dopezilla

    What defines an RPG for you

    Not that there's any consequences to fucking up the main quest, though. Morrowind has a very static world, but all the factions still make it a worthwhile game and at least it has a nice story. I felt like Skyrim was just too much hurrrduurrrr destiny and dragons man. Anyway, I've never been a...
  11. dopezilla

    Game Location

    This cracked me up.
  12. dopezilla

    UnderRail released on Steam and GOG

    Definitely going to download this. Walking is all fun and games in unexplored territories, but the way back is always a pain. I feel like an option to run/walk would have made this a slightly better game. No complaints though.
  13. dopezilla

    Morrowind thread!

    Yeah, you are correct.
  14. dopezilla

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    eh/10 eh = 1200
  15. dopezilla

    Fallout 2 WHAT TO DO

    No idea, actually. Which version of Fallout are you playing anyway? I hope not the unpatched version.
  16. dopezilla

    Dark Souls 2

    Probably pretty good if you're used to Skyrim.
  17. dopezilla

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Exactly. If anything, the movie would be hella edgy and dark. But srsly, Tom Hardy ruled the shit out of The Revenant. Best side role? Is he even nominated? Hehe, I've once kept Fallout 2 for over a year from the local library. Had to pay a hefty fine for that...
  18. dopezilla

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    I feel DiCaprio gets cast for screamy/grunty roles mostly anyway. I loved him in The Departed, but since then I've only seen him in screamy/grunty roles. What's up with that? Also, Tom Hardy rules the shit out of The Revenant. He should have been the lead ffs.