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  1. B

    Could the colt 6520 be a fesable design?

    I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work; the inventor had a working model fit for trials. It just seems overly complicated. That said, I was always under the impression that the 10mm pistol in the Fallout games was a normal (semi)automatic pistol, similar to a Beretta M92 or JM Browning's .45.
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    Bethesda took DLC wrong way overall...

    I recall hearing about a bug in the released version of FO:NV where Doc Mitchell's head would spin during the character generation interview.
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    How long would things last in a PA world?

    Uncle Sam threw a party, and I was one of the invitees. I imagine the stuff was shipped to Iraq just to get rid of it. The cartridges were in good to respectable condition. Whether it was class H or not, I couldn't tell you. It didn't hurt that I was firing them from the weapon they were...
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    How long would things last in a PA world?

    While I don't think ammunition will last forever, I was shooting .50 BMG with a stamp of 43 in 2006. We were not having misfires due to ammo, just headspace and timing. Maybe the rounds weren't moving as fast as they would have been in 1943, but they were still going downrange.
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    Question about Fallout 1 Manual ?

    It looks roughly correct, although I'm not sure about their figures. I don't recall hearing about a "Rule of 7s" when I did NBC training, but I wasn't in an MOS where dealing with long-term fallout was a primary concern. I'm guessing they probably pulled the information from old military or...
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    Upcoming PC-exclusive RPGs

    Given the other stuff you included, the single-player companion to Star Citizen, Squadron 42, should probably be on there.
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    Fallout Movie

    Why Harrison Ford instead of the original voice actor, Richard Dean Anderson?
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    Naming conventions in the Wasteland

    I always thought of the names like the (Adytum) Boneyard and the Necropolis as nicknames, not the actual names. If a place is in continuous settlement, there is usually no reason to change the name. People would not forget the name of their hometown just because someone dropped a nuke nearby.
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    Slavery in post-Apocalypse

    Common in game or in the real world? In game, we didn't see much slavery beyond the slavers and a couple other locations, but the slavers must have been selling to somebody. Real world? That depends on how small you want to go. Small tribes of a dozen or so people are probably not going to...
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    Slavery in post-Apocalypse

    I think that is far too broad a question. The enslaving group could any group which is willing to drop the moral opposition to slavery, whether for simple convenience (Metzger's gang) or a belief that they are actually superior (Vault 8/ Vault City). The enslaved will be those who are unable...
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    Slavery in post-Apocalypse

    Why would slavery exist? For the same reason it did and does: there are things you want done that you are unwilling to do yourself, and a convenient group of people that can be cowed and forced to do the work for you.
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    Science Fiction Reccomendation & Discussion Thread

    I second Babylon 5. The graphics are dated now, but they were pretty good at the time. I ignored the series at first, but I was flipping channels one day and saw a fighter flying alongside a capital ship. The fighter then pivoted 90 degrees to face the capital ship and strafed the length of...
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    Am I the only one who sees serious space for new Power Armor?

    I think you are reading too much into the model number. Model numbers are not always assigned in sequence. For an example, take the M-16 rifle, and its derivative, the M-231 port-firing weapon.
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    What were the first days of the internet like?

    Geeze, you kids make me feel old.... In the mid-90's, I had a 133MHz Pentium PC with a 1.2GB HDD, 16MB of RAM, and a 28.8k modem. You could find people using 14.4k or even 9600 baud modems. Some folks had T-1 lines, but those were pretty expensive. AOL was still king, and AOL had a lot of...
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    Would Sand Sharks Have Worked In A Fallout Setting,?

    FO4's engine could definitely handle it; it's what the radscorpions do.
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    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    Actually, no, I didn't call him stupid. I said he had cognitive dissonance. He claimed that a game that has removed some, if not many, of the elements that make a game an RPG rather than a FPS or 4X is a better RPG than the previous episodes of the series, despite the fact that he acknowledges...
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    Isometric TBRPG or New Vegas-styled FPSRPG?

    I know I'm late to the conversation, but I'd prefer an isometric game with turn-based combat. If the next one must be a FPS, then I wish they would start using Cryengine.
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    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    Is that confirmed, or just based on the screenshot that Theinnerfish posted?
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    How effective would power armor be in real life?

    Realistically, the biggest limitation will be the power supply. We can make a usable exoskeleton to support several hundred pounds of armor and equipment, but making a power plant that can run for a useful amount of time is currently difficult. We've seen this with the prototype pack robots...
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    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    Geeze, the cognitive dissonance is strong with this one, on the level of both blaming Mossad and praising bin Ladin for 9/11 in the same breath.... Unless, perhaps, he considers a strong railroad plot line to be "heavy on narritive [sic]...."