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  1. B

    Why does every trader use Brahmin?

    I don't recall ever getting that option in the dialog. Was it added in someone's mod?
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    Is the presidential suite mine FOREVER? *SPOILERS*

    I'm pretty sure the Lucky 38 is safe storage. There wouldn't be much point to all the upgrades you can get for it if it wasn't.
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    Anyone else hate the Nostalgia Argument?

    Nostalgia is when I fondly remember watching Buck Rogers, Airwolf, Battlestar Galactica, and the A-Team as a child. I felt nostalgia for the original X-COM when the reboot came out. When Fallout 4 came out, I also felt nostalgia for the older games in the series. Unlike all the rest of the...
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    Fallout 2's Plot has Failed

    I don't think not knowing where Vault 13 was located is that large of a plot hole. The Vault Dweller was the only one from the vault originally, and he was kicked out. I can see him actively trying to forget the vault and refusing to talk about it with the other villagers. The villagers...
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    "Fallout" developed by CD Projekt Red?

    I really want to see someone do a good Twilight: 2000 adaptation. There's probably not much of a market for a Cold War post-apocalyptic game, though.
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    Fallout 4 1.3 update hits console and PC

    Zigzag, while I see where you're coming from, I can't share your viewpoint. I do not think I got my money's worth for Fallout 4 at this point. I have spent around 200 hours in the game, but much of that time has been spent in disappointment. I thought I was purchasing a Fallout game. What I...
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    robots, how do they work, and main differences from our timeline.

    Personally, I always chalked the robots and computers up to SCIENCE! Computers in Fallout, like the computers in the original Star Trek, are far more capable than their real-life equivalents could possibly be. It's just one of those things you're not supposed to think about too much. I...
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    Skyrim vs Fallout 4: Who is playing?

    I halfway hope it's too late and the DLCs flop. I wish I'd heeded the IBT review and not bothered buying the game and the season pass. I would still like to see Bethesda turn FO4 into a respectable game in the end, though.
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    Heard the best arguement ever today

    He's certainly not the worst poster I've seen on a forum, but he was rather impervious to evidence.
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    Heard the best arguement ever today

    I stand corrected. (But I still think Someguy37 was lacking in class....)
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    Heard the best arguement ever today

    I think that was Someguy37's comment. I consider it a true display of his [lack of] class.
  12. B

    Why does every trader use Brahmin?

    There's no reason why they couldn't hook brahmin up to instead of people once they had a working model. Bethesda had horses pulling the wagons in Skyrim. Having people do it would keep with what was shown in FO1/2.
  13. B

    Why does every trader use Brahmin?

    Because they can't or won't make the sawed-off pickup bed carts that existed in FO1/2 work in Gambryo. Dunno why, though. They have wagons in Skyrim. How hard could it be to make a two-wheeled version that can be dragged by an NPC or player?
  14. B

    so, what engines did planes use? and vertibirds.

    To my knowledge nothing was ever specified about the actual power capacity of the MFCs. A very rough estimate can be made from the damage inflicted by the different weapons and comparisons to the real-world cartridges. Even then, it's still a bit of a faulty comparison because most of the...
  15. B

    so, what engines did planes use? and vertibirds.

    I don't think you could reasonably power a vertibird with microfusion cells. Take a couple real-world examples, the HMHVV and V-22 Osprey. The HMHVVs weigh up to almost 3 tons and are powered by a 190hp/ 142 kW engine. V-22s weigh about 15 tons empty, can carry 10 tons of cargo, and are...
  16. B

    so, what engines did planes use? and vertibirds.

    The one motor I recall was used for the robo-dog. It had to be acquired so his legs would work. If I remember correctly, the doctor had removed it as punishment for some infraction.
  17. B

    so, what engines did planes use? and vertibirds.

    I don't recall a replacement motor for the vertibirds in FO2. Dang it... Now I gotta play through again to see if that what it was. Twist my arm, why don't you.
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    "Isometric turn-based games cannot have good graphics"

    That looks pretty nice. I hope they do a GOG version.
  19. B

    so, what engines did planes use? and vertibirds.

    I think that making hydrocarbon fuel synthetically doesn't fit with canon. If it was possible to make a fuel replacement that was anywhere close to economical then there would have been no reason for the resource wars. Even in the real world, the renewable fuels are significantly more...
  20. B

    so, what engines did planes use? and vertibirds.

    I don't think it was ever specifically stated in canon. The Navarro base in FO2 had a number of oil drums and a tanker truck nearby, but supposedly vertibirds blow up like the cars do in FO3 (dunno, never tried to shoot one myself in FO3). Fossil fuel was running out, but it wasn't completely...