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  1. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    Honestly, nothing is perfect. Of course it won't be unstoppable, nothing is. Was a knight in plate mail unstoppable? No. Was outfitting him with plate mail a waste? No, it was the best armor of the day thus giving him the best chance to survive whatever was thrown at him. Unfortunately GUNS came...
  2. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I want one of these too, especially if I could get one in .308 or 7.62 NATO for you metrics. I like the martini series too, but a hundred bucks for a box of 20 cartridges is waaay too steep for a poor folk like myself.
  3. D

    The next Resident Evil movie post apocalyptic?

    In the future... People will become zombies Cities will become Mad Max knockoffs And the hope of mankind, will appear as some chick whose heyday was in The Fifth Element, and that was as some stammering bimbo that seemed about retarded for half the movie. Now all it needs is a crappy Tina...
  4. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    Ok, that's enough. Before we get into some holy war about how feasible or unfeasible fallouts power armor is, let's take a look at one critical reality. FALLOUT IS NOT REAL. We don't need to argue like a bunch of liberals about something that doesn't exist. I created this post merely with the...
  5. D

    Fallout fanart

    gentlemen, say hello to my new wallpaper
  6. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    5/10 i just don't know about that one
  7. D

    28 Weeks Later

    return of the living dead 1 did it even before that
  8. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    10/10 only so good because i don't wanna get 'silenced' that hypodermic full of glowing green is scary....
  9. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    oh yeaaaaaah...
  10. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    i was wondering how long it'd take for someone to mention iron man...
  11. D

    level with me guys....

    At least I used my BLACK accordion. The marble-ey blue one would have rendered the whole thing totally inappropriate....
  12. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I have a non firing, movie prop version of the le mat. Cool as it is however, I would really like one that I can use to blow things apart. Only problem is that $800+(US) price tag.
  13. D

    level with me guys....

    haha, i could make it waaaaaaaaaaaaay cheesier if i wanted. If nothing else, I hope it stands as a testament to the accordions versatility.
  14. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    you don't mean that dragon skin armor, do you?
  15. D

    level with me guys....

    yeah, I will admit the rhythm needs some polish, but you're the first person to date that didn't get a kick out of it...
  16. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I want one of these too: Le Mat Model 1864, nine shot .44 caliber cylinder revolving around a 20 gauge shot barrel. But I'd rather have one that fires some manner of currently manufactured cartridge ammunition instead of cap and ball. Maybe I should invent one...
  17. D

    level with me guys....

    Waddya think of this? Yes it IS me.
  18. D

    What would you choose?

    Ok, let's say for some reason, you have the option to get ANYTHING you want from a movie, video game, tv show, book (be it comic or otherwise) etc. The question is, what would you want? List your top three wants. 1. Marine armor from starcraft 2. Lasgun from Dawn of War 3. and i'm a little...
  19. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9/10 I play Imperial Guard but -1 because I always lose....:(