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  1. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I bought a nice little 20 gauge single shot at a garage sale last year for $35. All in all, my annual firearms budget is pretty low. I'm almost exclusive to really good deals (see above) and usually get good ones by buying from people I know.
  2. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I can't rate that higher than 5, Dave.....
  3. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    i wanna get one of these, then i'll be cool, just like Steve McQueen...
  4. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    considering the fact that a terran marines lifespan is some odd 9 seconds upon entering combat, they probably weren't terribly concerned about that. then again, the introduction of medics might have motivated them to add a trapdoor on the back.....
  5. D

    A New "I Am Legend" Movie

    I've read a portion of the script and I hope whoever is responsible for this profaning of Richard Mathesons masterpiece gets drug out into the street and beaten by everyone who ever read the book or at least saw the Vincent price movie with much encouragement to go for the genitalia and hands.
  6. D

    The Road

    I just finished reading it. Definitely not a fun time, but an excellent book in itself. If you have four or five hours to kill, I'd definitely recommend you spent them in this post nuclear nightmare. Unless you're looking for a pick-me-up....
  7. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    4/10 I dunno, just not blowin' my skirt up....
  8. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    3/10, sorry, but it reminds me too much of those people that wear prison looking clothes trying to be cool
  9. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Yeah, me too. I'd just as soon not spend ten+ bucks a shot, compounded by the fact that I don't hunt elephants.
  10. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    I look at it this way: So what?
  11. D

    Internet Addiction

    The reason these kids play in front of the computer all the time is because their parents LET THEM. We wouldn't have problems with BS like this if parents actually started acting like parents and making their kids get off of their increasingly large butts and DO something.
  12. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    Wait, the Jin Roh armor was powered?
  13. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9/10 awesomest 16 bit rendition of the fallout 2 menu i've ever seen. oh, btw, I'm not drunk, that was me making fun of the ridiculously confused look on the childlike empress' face in the Neverending Story part 2
  14. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    oh for cryin' out loud, how could i forget the magitek armor from final fantasy 6?
  15. D


    The deathclaw reminds me of a monster from chrono trigger, the name of which escapes me at the moment...
  16. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    This type of armor has been featured in a wide variety of video games, movies (not so much, unfortunately), books, etc. So the question is, which is YOUR favorite version and what's it from? Personally, I'm torn between the terran marine armor from starcraft and the armor hulk hogan had in...
  17. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    kinda reminds me of something from 'The Dark Crystal' and that movie rocked, so i'll give it 8/10.
  18. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    7/10 I like it. It's dynamic....or whatever the word I want is....
  19. D

    The PipBoy3000!

    I like it
  20. D

    Ghost´s pages

    The car is pretty sweet but the guy reminds me of Dr. Doom from that crappy Roger Corman Fantastic Four.