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  1. D

    Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

    they kinda remind me of the magitek armor from final fantasy 6. in any case that's a really cool picture.
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    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    "Buttville" from earthworm jim. you can listen to the game cd!
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    Mad Max 4 on cards

    As long as it has a one sleeved leather jacket, a sawed off double barrel shotgun, a desert and some cool cars it'll be good. It'd be REALLY cool if they threw in some non CGI mutants of some sort though...
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    [fan art] Find a girl now, not too many left

    A sleazy, lecherous looking pipboy and a blotchy skinned '50's babe. You just can't do any better than that.
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    Deathclaw render

    I'm gonna have to side with Muhol on the skin. Make it more scaly looking. Other than that you've rendered something I wouldn't wanna meet in a dark alley, even if i had a pancor jackhammer and a pair of desert eagles!
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    Fallout: The Bazaar

    Here's another one. I hope you like it. Read the post entitled "My first fanfiction ever' first or this one won't make much sense! My apologies to anyone who read the story before I edited this in. "How much is that one?" "What one?" "That combat shotgun." "8,000" "8,000...
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    Photography Inspired by Fallout?

    Make a huge paper mache deathclaw, fill it full of strawberry jam and animal guts (just ask your local butcher) and then photograph a guy in a one sleeved leather jacket blowing it apart with a menagerie of guns! And if you don't like my idea, specify next time that you were looking for good...
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    Fallout Slug

    those rock quite hard. good job
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    My first fanfiction ever.

    A similar story is possible, but when I wrote this I didn't have "The adventures of Jack and his nameless sidekick" in mind, so don't expect a sequel. In any case, I thank you all for your comments.
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    My first fanfiction ever.

    ah. well, we can only assume
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    I can't honestly say I've ever seen Jesus' ad campaign for the war before. Most of those were extremely awesome though. With the exception of the homo erotic German one of course....
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    My first fanfiction ever.

    not familiar with prey, is it any good?
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    My first fanfiction ever.

    almighty bowl motion? No, I did not intend to continue this. But I do appreciate your kind words.
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    Tales from the wasteland

    My favorite part is "dont problem".
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    Great RpostNuclear RENDER. I like it.

    that last one is such a play off of road warrior. I mean, I like it but facts is facts..... Anyways, that first one rocks extremely hard. It really gives you the eerie feeling that you should've gotten from necropolis.
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    My first fanfiction ever.

    In light of that fact, please don't savage it too badly. He had a bolt action .308 rifle, the name of which had faded into obscurity long before he owned it. It didn't really matter what it was called though, it shot straight and had brought him much quarry in the years it...
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    Commissioned Vault Dweller action figure and .223 accessory.

    That's a cool figure. I made a vault dweller out of 1/35 scale military models. Once i get him painted I'll put a pic up of him.
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    Civilian Designs Simple Gas Mask

    it's better (albeit, not much) than peeing on a rag and putting it on your face
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    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I have a Sharps like in Quigley Down Under and a Mauser rifle that's so old I bought it through the MAIL. I have others, but those are my favorites.