I like to be the champ at boxing in new reno, after you become the champ you get a +12 to +14 thresh hold on normal damage making enemies do almost no damage to you (unless they get criticals)
Dude, i just tried searching for an old fallen earth thread and its like finding a needle in a hay stack. The search engine sucks, and not to many people have the time to sift through pages of search results.
This game looks pretty cool. I hope it comes out soon.
I'm thinking intel is trying to squeeze the competition in any way possible. They have already sued nvidia trying to screw them out of making new chipsets for the latest intel gear, found here. Meanwhile the latest chipset form nvidia (ion) is far better then what anything that intel has.
Interesting news article i found here at tomshardware. Amd then Says Intel is in Breach.
Intel Tells Us Why AMD is Wrong.
I can only wonder whats going to happen...
Firearms 3.0 mod for HL 1. Played for many years and was a clan leader of around 100 clan mates. It was really fun, i always was with a friend when i played. Good Times.
I want to see this movie as well, it looks kickass. My favorite movie is made by clint and he plays a role in it as well, its called 'a perfect world'. I like all of his movies.
you have to talk to becky and ask what her prices are then go talk to frankie and ask him why her prices are cheaper. as for the mynoc thing, im not sure.
Amd 64 +3000 cpu, 1.5 gb ram, sapphire HD3850 agp video card and a raid 0 setup.
I run on highest gfx, its pretty good... only had a problem with choppiness at big battles involving lots of bad guys.