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  1. F

    Raider couple

    Pretty dam good!
  2. F

    Permanent Radaway Addiction FO2

    Ive been addicted to rad away and nuka cola quite a few times.... its harmless and has no negitive modifiers.
  3. F

    Pack it up, AMD, the old King reigns once more!

    Oh yah, the conroe core kicks ass and is an awesome chip that will take the reign for quite some time, but I hope amd will comeback with something else in the near future I plan on buying a new pc very soon, but I want the opteron 170 for my cpu, although I should be looking at a conroe...
  4. F

    cursor blurs game

    Ive gotten that bug before a couple months ago, it made the game unplayable and so I just quit playing it for awhile... I also overclock my video card I just reinstalled my fallout tacics again and it works fine for now... still have my video card overclocked though. The only thing that is...
  5. F

    Relentless Error

    I used to get that error every once in awhile with unpatched version of BOS, it was because I was running zonealarm firewall protection in the background... Maybe close all background programs and patch BOS? (dont know if you have patched it...)
  6. F

    Graphics Card Doesn't Fit?

    That hp model doesnt have pci-e or a agp slot... but you have 3 pci slots.
  7. F

    Music issue

    start>run type 'dxdiag' (without the comma's) and go to the sound tab and turn down the sound acceleration a notch...
  8. F


    Very nice!
  9. F

    Oblivion's (lack of) AI

    thats never happended to me... and i always do that everytime i beat the game (which iis alot) because i get a good laugh out of the enclave guys remarks.
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    Chernobyl Toll Controversy

    I saw on tv long ago on the chernobyl babies and they were heavily mutated. One kid had really short legs and super long arms and was severly disfigured all around and it was really freaking me out that nuclear radiation can do that kind of shit to people... I had to stop watching it for peace...
  11. F

    Another World Revisited

    Doesnt work on windows 2000, oh well.... was going to put xp back on my pc anyways.
  12. F

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    queens of the stoneage - first it giveth
  13. F

    Fallout Realtime GIF scenes *Updated*

    What program are you using to make these animated gifs? Your text isnt being antialiased and makes it look too staight... you should put sharp antialiasing on the text then it will be 99.9% true to ingame font (I forgot to tell you before to use sharp antialiasing on my last post... oops)...
  14. F

    Fallout Realtime GIF scenes *Updated*

    Great idea and nice work! I know a good way to make dialogue font to appear as though its from ingame with adobe photoshop. First grab this font package - Install the font and open up your animated gifs with adobe...
  15. F

    Blue screen of Mortal Wounding

    I would also run norton disk doctor to check your hard drive...
  16. F

    Blue screen of Mortal Wounding

    Does is only happen when you play fallout 2? I would go look up the latest drivers off the dell site for your laptop and get them.
  17. F

    Nuclear Dawn, HL2 mod

    Looks awesome for a hl2 mod, worth the wait but i hope they try to pump it out a.s.a.p or they will never make it big at all. You sit on a throne of lies!
  18. F

    Split from troubleshooting

    Re: Easy way to install and play fallout in win2k read pennyliu123 post...
  19. F

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    4/10 - Pretty common avatar
  20. F

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Modest House - Float On remix by Farace