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  1. RoboStang

    EU referendum: Leave Vote
  2. RoboStang

    EU referendum: Leave Vote

    You mean this horseshit? Horseshit indeed.
  3. RoboStang

    EU referendum: Leave Vote

    That was a very statist statement lol. Are you actually a doomsday prepper? I don't see the logic behind being a doomsday prepper while simultaneously being a statist.
  4. RoboStang

    EU referendum: Leave Vote

    That would be asinine. Are you really that desperate for state-funded research?
  5. RoboStang

    Theology thread

    I've never watched Clockwork Orange but that's a pretty disturbing scene, who is the character? Some kind of Nazi sadist?
  6. RoboStang

    Historical politicians thread

    Well I mean in general German/Aryan girls are attractive as f*ck so... amiright???
  7. RoboStang

    Contraptions Workshop

    Zenimax didn't give Obsidian a bonus because the Metacritic score for Fallout: New Vegas was one point shy of the corporation's goal of 85 points. So what does Zenimax do to Todd and pals when they get scores like these? Does anyone know?
  8. RoboStang

    The most facepalm worth article ever. "Fallout 4 is a good rpg"

    One of the worst things about the internet is that it gives logically impaired dumbasses like that a voice.
  9. RoboStang

    The most facepalm worth article ever. "Fallout 4 is a good rpg"

    How many times does this picture have to be posted for people, like the author of that article, to get the message through their head?
  10. RoboStang

    Piss off NMA with 1 sentence.

    "It just works."
  11. RoboStang

    Which games were a disaster? To what franchise?

    Halo 5: Garbage. Some might say Halo 4 as well. I think 343 at least put a lot of effort into Halo 4, but Halo 5 was a disgraceful insult to Bungie Halo.
  12. RoboStang

    Who's best for America?

    I forgot about that. Still, mistrust of Chinese citizens is racial profiling, and putting them in internment camps is quite unethical. However, I'm not convinced that American citizens considered themselves 'racially superior' to the Chinese. Either way, point taken.
  13. RoboStang

    Who's best for America?

    Everyone likes the Enclave because they have cool stuff and have a few American flags lying around. Take away their advanced technology (power armor, vertibirds, oil rig, weapons, etc.), take away their military (so they're not badass anymore), and you're left with a few misguided bureaucrats. I...
  14. RoboStang

    Who's best for America?

    America is not glorious because of the government. The original Enclave wanted to kill everyone with the slightest amount of radiation, so essentially they're murdering all the descendents of U.S. citizens. Not sure that helps to restore a nation. Arcade Gannon refered to them as a "fascist...
  15. RoboStang

    Piss off NMA with 1 sentence.

    Was this her?
  16. RoboStang

    Piss off NMA with 1 sentence.

    See anything you like? Also please link the reddit thread I have to see that.
  17. RoboStang

    What faction did you pick in Fallout 4

    Same. The inability to come to a peaceful solution and requirement to murder entire factions for no logical reason is ultimately why I came to despise Bethesda.
  18. RoboStang

    Theology thread

    I just wanted to call out OP for talking in absolutes. Anyway, I don't see this thread going anywhere because: