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    OCC- First Mission

    Thanks for the input SuAside. I am not too keen on modern weapons distances of fire. I will keep that in mind for the future and do a little research as well.
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    Where can I still get Fallout 2?

    Best Buy is the only place where I live that has it still .
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    Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands OCC-

    I am sure you two will. We are headed to shady sands but we may go to the mines because they tell us that all the out town people went to the mines. What do you think Pyro? I don't really have a preference on which way go to met with the group..
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    ICC- First Mission

    Arco had reviewed the teachings and wisdoms of Sun Tzu in the days since they had left the hub. The best way to approach this battle was to lure the enemy to the location of their choosing, but first they must observe and learn the measurement of their enemy and their intent. He observed the...
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    ICC- First Mission

    The dawn arose and with it a new age, an age of warriors and conquest. Today was the day that their real mission began. Arco had gathered up the “troops and began to divide them into groups, 84 men and 8 BOS members to lead. It was clear that they would be divided into groups of approximately...
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    OCC- First Mission

    That is the basic plan I came up with as well. Evil, you (suAside), and thorgrimm will all be in one group unless evil drops out then it is just you and thorgrimm. I am still trying to decide how to bring thorgrimm to the BOS group but as soon as he is this will probably be the line up.
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    OCC- First Mission

    Another piece of advice for all you new guys and gals. Try to develop a character thats feels human, with a history, likes and dislikes, problems and fears, and above all a personality. These can make the story much more interesting and make it seem like your character is a person with a role...
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    OCC- First Mission

    I destroyed the vehicles as they didn't fit the shortly after fallout setting. Fallout 2 maybe but this time setting isn't quite appropriate like welsh said.
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    OCC- First Mission

    I think I've been watching mad max too much and created the vehicles based on that. PM me with anything else Welsh.
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    ICC- First Mission

    The army of Arco had surrounded the remaining raiders. He order the remaining raiders to stand down and his men to do the same. They complied and the raider's leader stepped forward to address Arco. "I am Frenik, leader of this group, and we agree to stand down. Now what are your terms?"...
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    Vedpose was trying to keep a rational mind a midst the chaos that seemed to be flowing in her mind. But for every bit of effort, Zeke was still right; she was losing her mind. To top it all off, she had eaten four mushrooms not just one. She kept trying to think strait but the madness soon...
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    ICC- First Mission

    *The Hub* The rogue eighteen-wheeler had crashed though 3 buildings before it had stopped. Elsewhere, many of the scout and light vehicles had been destroyed. Arco was pissed. No, he was more then pissed, he was infuriated. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU BRAINLESS MORONS DOING? THOSE...
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    Campaign setting - Forgotten Legacies

    I might be interested if I had the time. Unfortently, the three role plays I am already involved in suck up all my time as it is.
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    ICC- First Mission

    *The Hub* No more than five minutes into the training did a dark ominous cloud of dust arise from the west. Arco was the first to spot it. It is a small raiding party, numbering around 60, using some light ground vehicles and microcycles. The captain called for a messenger. “Yes...
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    ICC- First Mission

    Arco looked over the new recruits who had just completed the registration process. “Initiate Rob, is the course ready?” “Yes sir” “Good, take these worthless dogs over.” Rob motioned to the recruits, “Follow me.” Rob took the recruits over to a ridge that overlooked the...
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    Fallout 1 and 2 suck because there is no fallout 3.