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    Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands OCC-

    I need to talk it over with pyro on IM and he is generally not on friday- sunday so I guess something will happen as soon I can talk to him. I have a general idea of what I would like to do and I think he does as well. It is just matter of finding common ground over IM.
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    ICC- First Mission

    Arco awoke from his pleasant little nap refresh and ready to kick some serious ass. The days had passed surprisingly slow and uneventful but their purpose for taking this route was to become all to clear now. According the ancient maps, the place known as the glow had a sister site that...
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    OCC- First Mission

    Every is just to continue south until we find this sister site (I'll try to get on tomarrow to give more details about it but no promises.) If you guys are in the middle of something go ahead and finish it. Yeah, pyro you guys to go east to the coast and south but you just continue...
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    Vedpose was wishing she was dead. She had an insistant ringing in her ear and her vision was a little blurred. With that it was curtain that it would be a few days before her depth perception, both hearing and version. would return to normal. Once the initial affects wore off, she was able...
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    OCC- First Mission

    You guys are pretty free to post anything that fits in to a scout mission around the glow. This would include some small fights with creatures like the floaters but avoid basing everything off of fights. Take some time and build some character stories. The way I take the story is going to...
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    Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands OCC-

    I am leaning more on side of another creature. If the deathclaw is kept, I think that we should probably just use survival skills, masking scents, camo, stuff like that, to sneak past , not kill it. Pyro your thoughts???
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    ICC- First Mission

    Arco, Jack, and Tenel Ka moved out from the outpost. They, like the other groups ,were just to continue their search for the mutants. They had to pass the Glow and Arco knew that no one liked going anywhere near that place. He made it clear to Scorpio and his group at they to stay as far...
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    OCC- First Mission

    Basically for now just scout ahead to the south and build some of you own story elements. I have something planned but it is little while off. The main rule is to keep in the units for the moment, unless directed otherwise, and don't create anything that is going to turn it a huge, more than...
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    Vedpose wasn’t feeling great about sleeping out here without a bed, but she certainly couldn’t do it until she found something to null the pain in her shoulder. Zeke was already asleep within five minutes of lying down and Ved realized that he had little or no choice but to sleep out here. She...
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    Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands OCC-

    Sorry pyro, I am sure you want to impale me on a pitch fork but my post is done it just needs proof reading and I will post it.
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    OCC- First Mission

    Okay first of all I already have a plan to bring your NPC back into the picture suAcide so don’t sorry too much about that. I would like it if you guys just adjusted your posts. Everyone would probably have a radio and was called back to the main BOS outpost. I think that is the best way to...
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    OCC- First Mission

    Guys I read it and the groupings were not exacty what I had in mind for the moment, needless to say that they can't and won't change after the present story idea is played out. From what I got Pyro was going to bring Fenix back in one game day, which from my point of view has pasted in my...
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    Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands OCC-

    MY post will come today at high noon.
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    ICC- First Mission

    Arco stepped out of the tent and into the morning sun. The battle had taken its toll on the band of soldiers, mercenaries and misfits but it seemed that they had destroyed the deathclaws after all. That was old news though, two days old in fact. Arco had been surprised at the new arrivals...
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    OCC- First Mission

    I am here. I personally don't see a problem with the dog because this is a thread that is designed for new role players and experimental characters. If you want to try out a cyborgnetic dog, this is probably the best thread to do it in. I will look over the way that it was posted again and...
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    Vedpose struggled to get the raging gecko off of her. She tried using the knife that Zeke had handed her but ended up cutting herself on the arm and across her thigh. Finally she managed to get the gecko off of her and it ran into the near by bushes. Moments passed without anything happening...
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    Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands OCC-

    Hey, I am back. Like pyro said college was busy last week and will be busy this week, but less than last. The end of the semester sucks.
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    ICC- First Mission

    Arco understood where Major Max was coming from, but He also felt that they need to weed out the weakling. If they were to win this battle, they would need a strong, intelligent army. The entire group would need these traits. Arco simply view the deathclaw engagement as way to sift out the...
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    OCC- First Mission

    Sorry guys, school has had me over the head this week, but I am back now.
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    Vedpose was not having fun this little venture. Don’t eat this or that it will make you noxious, give you headache, be a repeat of the mushroom thing, temporary blindness, any or none of the above. She approached yet another piece of wasteland vegetation and looked over at Zeke. He shook his...