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    most newbie-thing done on fallout

    I think the only stupid thing I did in the game was locking myself behind a yellow forcefield at the military base.
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    Vedpose paced in a circle for a moment. That same fiery hatred had now turned into a deepening depression. What could she possible say in reply? She decided that she had best say something before Zeke put the colt .45 to the base of skull in an attempt to destroy his brain stem and end his...
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    ICC- First Mission

    Captain Sydney Arco stepped out to examine the various riffraff that come in response to Max’s request. “This isn’t promising,” he thought to himself. The mercs present looked like they’d have an aneurism at the sight of real fight. How was this to be done with such an army? The Mutants...
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    OCC- First Mission

    I'd suggest talking to my character when I intro him in a few minutes. Most of the chain of command will probably go to him as a go between guy for the mercs and Max. This is all taking place at the hub right now so keep that in mind.
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    Vedpose didn’t shift her graze at all as she circled Zeke on her way back to camp. He looked like an entirely different person. His eye shone with a fiery tone of hatred. He just stood there with the same burning look, stroking the blade of his knife over his thumb creating an ever widening...
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    OCC- First Mission

    I am in total agreement, SuAside. The point of this is to help out people who are new to role playing. No one is here to tear anyone else down, just to give some advice so that everyone can become more fine-tuned role players who help to add to and enrich a storyline. Everyone, including me...
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    OCC- First Mission

    I am up for trying out an experimental character.
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    Vedpose turned to Zeke, "Vegan is a prewar term. It's a way of life really. People who are Vegan don't use animals for food, clothing, or any other means. Personally I find the using of animals quite disgusting in any fashion. Vedpose looked at Zeke's vest. ”Let me guess, more carnage.”...
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    Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands OCC-

    Hmmm.... I personally don't mind but I would like to do a test thread to see how compatibility goes, both with me and pryo and the moderators and compliance with the rules. I had to do this when I first started role playing online about six months ago on another board. I have already screwed...
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    "Zeke you say. I take it you live in this dump. I guess I should apologize. After all, I did come in this demolition site you call a dwelling uninvited. My name is Vedpose. What's up with the gut there Charlie?" The whole time Vedpose seemed to be having the time of her life mocking this...
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    Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands OCC-

    I am just overly cautious after the little screw up I did when joined. (see above) If welsh says you are good go you should be. Right now you should be good to come in with my character pointing a gun at you, defensive reasons only. Feel free to come in when you feel you are clear pyro.
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    Vedpose awoke sometime in the early morning but before dawn, not because she was fully rested but because something was wrong. There was some else in the room with her. She didn't look, but she could tell by the sounds exactly where the person was. She stayed motionless, waiting to get the...
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    Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands OCC-

    Good on my part pyro...... (waits for welsh's or zoe's answer)
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    After two days of walking, Vedpose was ready for a change of scenery. Seeing nothing but dried, cracked, dead earth will do that to you. It had taken her less time to reach her destination than she thought but either way she was ready for a rest. As she entered the Hub, she saw the usual...
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    AS Vedpose walked out into the wastes, she wondered why Maxson had even gone in detail about keeping a low profile on this little venture. It had been her request that any time she left the bunker she did so as a regular citizen of the wastes. She preferred to break her ties with the...
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    Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands OCC-

    Sorry, You are absolutely right. I should have asked the DM for permission. I will just wait for such before proceeding any further. I usually play on smaller boards where no DM permission is required but that is still no excuse. I have broken rule number two, some how I missed in reading...
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    ICC- Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands

    OOC: Okay, I am going to introduce my character and move her to the appropriate location (shadysands area) and then figure out a way to weave into the story. Questions? Read my profile and if that doesn't clear it up PM me. Edit: All right, I fucked up and for that I am sorry. I am...
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    Fallout Chapter 2- The Wastelands OCC-

    Hey Welsh, I am going to join up. Not sure how right at the moment but I will at least intro my character and move her to the appropriate place (shadysands area). Read my profile if you have any questions. Thanks, Albatross.
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    Name: Vedpose Candel Age: 24 Sex: Female Race: Canadian Hair: Light Brown, half down her back and done up in various hair styles. Eyes: Purple History: Before the Great War, the Candels were wealth owners of a healthcare business in the northwest. Although they lived in Vancouver their...
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    Roleplay Hello thread

    I have been role playing on a fantasy board for awhile; I am pretty decent at it. Therefore, I will be joining the Fallout storyline as it fits my character the best.