Search results

  1. Meurzh

    What is the point of the Children of Atom?

    Yesterday I explored Fallout 4 quite a bit and came across them a few times. I never really understood their point other than they use 'radiation guns' and are generally crazy.
  2. Meurzh

    Fallout 2 on Mac?

    I've been searching high and low for a version that can be run on Mac of Fallout 2. I've actually found links on here and on Reddit of GOG's Fallout 2, saying that it was Mac compatible. However, when I looked on the compatible systems section of the game's page, it only had the Windows icon and...
  3. Meurzh

    10 best games.

    Hm, don't think I can order them, but here I go: 1. Fallout: New Vegas 2. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 3. Dragon Age: Inquisition 4. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind 5. Mass Effect 3/2/1 6. Saints Row IV 7. Star Wars: The Old Republic (I wish it could be a single player game) 8...
  4. Meurzh

    A group of Legionaries run up to you...

    'Sure, Jan' as I proceed to transmute them into piles of ash.
  5. Meurzh

    The NCR Ending Is Canon

    When I was on the Fallout reddit, several people mentioned that they'd like the next Obsidian made Fallout to be set in Washington and I quite like that idea. I'm not sure how that could work out, but the setting could be quite promising.
  6. Meurzh

    Fallout 4 does not make sense

    I found that so hilariously nonsensical in Skyrim. I remember being low on health and trying to find a way to get some back (I was in combat) and had to eat thousand year old tomb cheese under a torch that had been burning for well over millennia.
  7. Meurzh

    Fallout 4 does not make sense

    This is one thing I've been complaining about for the longest time. In Bethesda's 'Fallouts', they make the world seem as if the bombs had fallen recently and not over 200 years ago. I do like the colours, but the messiness of the (settled) world makes no sense. The settlements themselves make...
  8. Meurzh

    Wasted Potential

    And that is one of my biggest complaints of all.
  9. Meurzh

    If Fallout 4 had actual proper alternate endings.

    What? You mean you don't like completely linear storytelling that leaves you little options to define your character? Blasphemy!
  10. Meurzh

    How do you feel about the change in gameplay style from the original Fallouts?

    As in how it changed from being isometric, turn based to being a third person type of game? Personally, I like it purely because that is my preferred style of gaming. I loved exploring in New Vegas and the more personal feel it gave. Now, I'm not bashing the old style. In fact, I've actually...
  11. Meurzh

    Wasted Potential

    Vault 81 could have been so much more. The Museum of Witchcraft could have been a lot creepier with a better quest(s) relating to it. Maybe even home to a sort of cult? The settlement system could have been expanded upon. Better companions and with options to customise them or perhaps even...
  12. Meurzh

    If Fallout 4 had actual proper alternate endings.

    I think the Institute ending could be a bit more nuanced, dependent upon how you answered during the radio broadcast to the Commonwealth.
  13. Meurzh

    Those moments when you wish you were in a Black Isle (or Obsidian) game... [Spoilers]

    At the beginning of the game, where I'm forced into a situation I'd rather not be in and gives me no character freedom.
  14. Meurzh

    What will DC look like in ten years?

    Probably like a mess because Bethesda doesn't really want civilisation to come back in any way. They'd rather have people living in tin cans built around active atom bombs.
  15. Meurzh

    Your favourite New Vegas character?

    Honestly, there are too many to list. The ones that immediately come to mind are Cass, Arcade, Veronica, ED-E, Boone, Major Knight, The King, Mr. House, Benny, Victor and I could go on, really.. And this isn't counting DLC.
  16. Meurzh

    The F4 BOS retcon and the Capital Wasteland

    I certainly like the BOS in FO4 than the BOS in FO3, but I'll take the New Vegas chapter over them. They're still good (better than I expected, really), but could be better.
  17. Meurzh

    Fallout 4 review roundup #2

    It's rather funny seeing many of these reviewers not give a glowing review yet give it a stellar rating. We all know what's at play here.
  18. Meurzh

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hi everyone. I'm not much of a lurker, but since Fallout 4 came out, I thought I'd join a place that seems to actually appreciate Fallout. I first got into Fallout when I played New Vegas. I first tried playing Fallout 3 but I could not get into it for the life of me. I understand why now, of...