Search results

  1. M

    Rank the DLC's

    Apart from joining the minority of people considering LR as the best DLC, let me put my two cents to the ongoing discussion. The problem with Ulysses is that he's somewhat insane, at least to some extent. Obviously, he's driven by vengeance, just like Elijah and Graham are, but the means of its...
  2. M

    Fallout Haiku

    What a spoiled brat Wait, he could carry my stuff... Wanna come with me? NEXT: Rescuing Tandi from Khans
  3. M

    Fallout: New Vegas quest troubleshooting (spoilers)

    Going with Legion involves killing, yes, same with House - he'll ask you to annihilate BoS, with no other choice, even if you try to convince him.
  4. M

    Fallout Freestyle (poetry)

    Ah, what the hell, I'll try. Please note English is my second language, so grammatical/lexical mistakes may occur. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary Roaming through the streets of Reno (I did not take drugs at all) Suddenly there came a laughter, from a dimly...
  5. M

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    I'd rather say the beggining of the game is more Legion sided, or at least shows NCR in negative light. The first time you see them is near Primm when they refuse to help locals with raiders as the town doesn't fall in their jurisdiction. Sometime later you meet Legion who just pacified a town...
  6. M

    What if Fallout "4"..

    Wild idea: what if they actually made a 3D game in the world of first two Fallouts, but set it a few years after Enclave's destruction on the West Coast? This way player could visit New Arroyo, see NCR's expansion and wars with BoS and Navarro, work for Chosen One's child who (as NV indicated)...
  7. M

    What if Fallout "4"..

    Yeah, since when did this: become hotter than this: ?
  8. M

    Fallout Haiku

  9. M

    Fallout Haiku

    Allrightie then :) I'm the boss here I'm totally the reactor's pimp Fix it for me? Next: Republic of Dave
  10. M

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    Which would, ironically, mean death for Legion ideology as I hardly see soldiers saying no to all those vices Vegas has to offer. Synthesis up your ass, Caesar! :lol:
  11. M

    What if Fallout "4"..

    I wouldn't mind seeing FO1 & 2 in 3D, but there's too much risk it would end up like 3 and NV with their simplified skills system and boring textures (and 10 actors for thousands of NPCs as already mentioned). Not that I don't like newer games, I just don't see the old ones this way.
  12. M

    What if Fallout "4"..

    Let the first two Fallouts stay the way they were, why spend time and money on refreshing old titles when new could be made? It's like seeing all those remakes of old sci-fi movies, what's the point?
  13. M

    Fallout Haiku

    Not sure if ghoul Or that robot from Sarsaparilla Y u no specific?! Next: having sex with Red Lucy
  14. M

    Fallout: New Vegas quest troubleshooting (spoilers)

    Ah yes, totally forgot :) That's one more of those perks I never took (I'm this kind of player who seeks experience everywhere).
  15. M

    Fallout: New Vegas quest troubleshooting (spoilers)

    Taking Rex to Jacobstown basically looks like this: *whistling Heartaches by the number theme" - Okay Rex, looks like we're outta the main road, Cazadors shouldn't bother us here. - Bark! Bark! Oh, look, there's some path here. The compass says that's the way. - Bark! - Whoa, look at...
  16. M

    Real question: Does it bother you that Fallout 3 is canon?

    It bothers me a bit. FO3 is actually a pretty enjoyable game, I honestly enjoyed trekking Capitol Wasteland more than Mojave but I don't like it how Bethesda juggles with many traits characteristic to older games (BoS, Muties, Enclave, Harrold etc.), misuses them and in the end establishes it as...
  17. M

    Dogmeat & K-9

    Other things you need to ignore: Wanamingos creeping in local mines miners cutting prostitutes (fuck yeah, Clint Eastwood reference) bar brawls runaway gangsters hiding in local ruins and wastes around the city the town being a disputed area in a subtle quasi-diplomatic war between NCR...
  18. M

    Your favourite New Vegas character?

    This. New Vegas did an outstanding job of dealing with factions from older games (BoS, Enclave, Khans, Followers) and showing what will be their end/new beginning, as Mojave is basically dead end for these four, especially since they're trapped between NCR and Legion.
  19. M

    Fallout Haiku

    What is this I don't belong in space Bethesda, srsly, why Next: Daddy radfrying his ass in Purifier control room