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  1. M

    Fallout Haiku

    Oh my fucking God Please don't fucking come closer Stupid PC, run faster Next: Nuking Megaton
  2. M

    Are Ghouls zombies?

    Now that probably every one of you made Nicolas Cage's face, let me begin. What's exactly the role of Ghouls in Fallout franchise? In theory they're supposed to be the walking rememberence of the nuclear war, ghosts of the old world, people who survived hell and now live in its new form. In...
  3. M

    Enclave - inaccuracies

    1. I'd say more people live at the Oil Rig and, if there's no such theory already, I always imagined it to consist of two parts: above water, where offices, laboratories, soldier quarters and president room were and below water, where the living quarters and supplies were held (it's pretty...
  4. M

    What is YOUR mafioso nic?

    The only time I actually made it so far I could have a mafia nickname (I didn't like working for those slimey Reno bastards, that's why) was Cesare (or Cesar?). Fit well to the name Salvatore. :)
  5. M

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    Despite the background ideas, Caesar created his Legion mostly because of his own ego and of despise towards tribals and NCR. And he makes a mistake of thinking he'll elevate it on a higher level by claiming one more city to his empire. There is a reason slavery was eventually abolished and...
  6. M

    Things we learned from Fallout 3

    609: Despite the world being in ruins, it is still possible to trek Pacific Ocean, like Tenpenny and Desmond did (I know you use tanker to get to Enclave Oil Rig in FO2, but at least it was located a few miles from the coast) 610: Your radioactivity proof buddies won't enter the irradiated...
  7. M

    Things we learned from Fallout 3

    I love this thread. Can I add more than one? 541: Blowing your hometown, irradiating and turning you into a ghoul is not enough a reason to stop being nice. As long as you "promise to never do that again" 542: Having 10 Endurance, wearing freshly repaired power armor and wielding alien...
  8. M

    DC BoS vs. 'General Bos' (informative)

    This could've been a nice plot idea with the Outcasts waging a civil war with the DC Brotherhood, and it's a pity the difference between the two was so poorly portrayed. One could finally see a physical clash between zealots and new thinkers, unlike a dispute in Tactics. But I hope the topic of...
  9. M

    Fallout: New Vegas quest troubleshooting (spoilers)

    Pity, Cass has one of the best quests among the companions. Plus she's cute.
  10. M

    Fallout Europe?

    ...and back on topic: I wouldn't like to see Fallout set in Europe for one simple reason - the series have always been about America and putting it somewhere else will not bring the characteristic climate. I'd on the other hand willingly see a post-apo game set in Europe, as long as it doesn't...
  11. M

    Fallout: New Vegas quest troubleshooting (spoilers)

    I love that quest. Nothing beats going through living hell in Quarry Junction to be later rewarded with sexytime :mrgreen:
  12. M

    Fallout: New Vegas quest troubleshooting (spoilers)

    That mission is basically fighting your way through bunches of annoying ferals, so yeah. You won't miss anything by skipping it.
  13. M

    Intense Training?

    Used to pump my agility (yes I use VATS) and intelligence in early game, and strength further on to carry more loot. When I was playing a sniper-like character for NCR I used it to boost perception a bit. Because it increases EXP? :P
  14. M

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    I disagree with a few things you mention here, Snap, and let me tell you why. NCR was presented well in the case of shades of grey, a sprawling republic choking on its own expansionism. So was House in terms of whether it's better to rebuild the world under authoritarian regime or allow people...
  15. M

    Brotherhood of Steel as an antagonist?

    Let us hope then they learned from New Vegas how to carry on Fallout's spirit.
  16. M

    Brotherhood of Steel as an antagonist?

    And that takes us to discussing whether whatever said in F3 is canon and confirmed :P But you proved your point. Personally I'd much rather Mid-Western Brotherhood to stand strong, to fill the void between two coasts.
  17. M

    Brotherhood of Steel as an antagonist?

    Didn't he mean by that they broke contact with original Brotherhood and separated themselves (went rogue)? Was he referring specifically to 2277? :eyebrow: You got me here, but that still doesn't prove whether Mid-West returned to anarchy or whether local BOS is still standing. Caesar also...
  18. M

    Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

    This has been said multiple times in this thread but YES. The problem with New Vegas faction system is too much NCR and too little of other factions, specifically Legion, which leads to another problem - comparing places belonging to Legion (camps, fort, occupied Nelson) and missions they give...
  19. M

    who did you side with on your first playthrough

    My order: 1. House 2. Legion 3. NCR 4. Yes Man
  20. M

    Your favourite New Vegas character?

    I'd say my all time favourite is Mr.House for his pragmatism and old world class, I signed up for him during my first play because I felt (and still do) that he's the only person capable of bringing civilization to Mojave and the rest of the wasteland. Other favourite are NPCs associated with...