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  1. P


    Hahahahaha... No. That misconception is hilarious, but common. The military overtests things like you wouldn't believe. USAF radars still use vacuum tubes for christ sake, and that's just one example.
  2. P

    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    We're talking about a wannabe marine here. Marines have their stereotype for a reason.
  3. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Ah, combine elite, I knew that armor looked familiar. Well done on the photochop, looks good. 9/10 I have a head quite similar to that on a rug in my living room. Mountain lion. It was a fun hunt, took forever to get the tag for that hunt, they give out very few a year. Stag, every...
  4. P

    Gone with the Herd

    Rather than make a new thread, figure I'll point out here. GwtB has updated again. Comic #20. Also, he changed the voting comic again, more green army antics.
  5. P

    Global Warming?

    That'd work too, I guess. Here I was just going to suggest chinese kids on treadmills for a eco-safe generator.
  6. P

    Living with Russia

    Both are corrupt, why do you feel you should have either? The lesser of two evils is a cop-out solution to anything. That made me laugh, propogandists love people like you. That is one way to put it, but again, you make it sound like you should have to choose between the two. Well done...
  7. P

    Global Warming?

    Lowering energy consumption: Interestingly enough we're hosing ourselves there, the most energy hungry appliance in nearly any household is the airconditioner. Most of your bill is actually the AC. As we continue to use energy (most of the US's power is fossil-fuel generated) we continue to burn...
  8. P

    Global Warming?

    Just that that's a long-assed article and it's way too goddamn early.
  9. P

    Medieval: Total war 2 improvements

    Or level faster, doesn't seem right that they just barely get good enough to kill a minor general in a quiet garrison far from the front just before they die of age.
  10. P

    ;-) edit: poleez bokz:

    Something is wierd about that phone booth. Besides the colors being too bright for it and it's too intact, something about it just seems out of place.
  11. P

    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    While I absolutely dispise AFP and it's blatant anti-americanism and its perpetuation of stereotypes against americans, its still less biased than our sources on the Isreali-Pakistani issues. CNN sucks up to Isreal harder than our government. His location tag says France, you know the answer...
  12. P

    Speak up, Brotha!

    Anyone else, I'd roll my eyes at the pun, but this is Jarno... Anyway, who's for feeding the next "omfg f3 is goin to rox bcuuz betheesda is maikng it!!11!" noob to him?
  13. P

    Love The Bomb RPG is out

    Sounds like GURPS: all power to the GM though plenty of room for clever gamers to milk the GM for everything they can get.
  14. P


    One of my friends got sick and vomited watching my play a certain section. They like flipping around ups and downs, and some areas have paths that you run on and gravity flips constantly. If you have a weak stomach, don't go. Those of you who've played space shooters, Descent, or used the Alien...
  15. P

    Medieval: Total war 2 improvements

    I only played on hard mode, so I don't know how easy stacks up, but Assassins take a frustrating amount of missions to level, even then they can't really kill much other than than ambassadors. Assassin: level 8712831, chance to kill General Lowlynoob: 2% Yeah, the diplomacy was a bit...
  16. P

    Israel decides to go to Lebanon.

    Granted, they have money and equiptment, compliments of the US's inability to mind their own goddamn business. Manpower, however, is a different thing. Isreal has a hell of alot of troops, but not enough to deal with 2-4 muslim nations. Isreal would do a lot of damage in such a war, but they'd...
  17. P

    Outfit Construction Discussion (I NEED FAN HELP...ALL FANS!)

    Go with contacts, realism be damned on that one. Most people can't even tell you're wearing them.
  18. P

    Speak up, Brotha!

    People like this irritate the hell out of me. It's almost funny when you work on a construction or demolition site and hear a minority bitching about how this is the new form of enslavement, that blacks and mexicans do that work while white men sit and rake in the money, completely ignoring that...
  19. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Ebla - E.S. Posthumus Pompeii - E.S. Posthumus Good shit, if you aren't familiar with them and you like classical and the like, look 'em up.
  20. P

    Bought Arcanum, Need Help

    Corey, I have to ask: are both your shift keys broken?