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  1. P

    Taepodong-2 missile was aimed at Hawaii?

    No, the hight of Japanese military power has passed. Their constitution doesn't allow for rearmament, nor do the people want a large military. The professionalism of their troops is a marvel though. A fully rearmed Japan wouldn't be able to make modern China even blink though. Racial tensions...
  2. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    It's Iolo from Ultima7, yeesh. George Washington?! Take another look at your history books, man. Fallout2 = 10/10 Size = -2 8/10 for the squished pic.
  3. P

    Taepodong-2 missile was aimed at Hawaii?

    Yeah... you got a point.
  4. P

    Taepodong-2 missile was aimed at Hawaii?

    Japan has very, very little in the way of a military, Article 9 of their constitution states that they will not maintain a full military capable of any sort of prolonged or full-scale warfare as the japanese govt no longer recognizes war as a legitimate option in any situtation. They do however...
  5. P

    Outfit Construction Discussion (I NEED FAN HELP...ALL FANS!)

    Just a few of my thoughts on your questions. - Costume 3: Ian or raider. Probably raider as your hair will be a bit short for the first two outfits and it's more seen, thereby more recognizable. And those black raider pants aren't leather IMO, they're black jeans. Please no leather pants...
  6. P

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I don't like feet, 3/10.
  7. P

    British hacker extradition sanctioned..

    The military has been pushing to swap to a customized UNIX based OS for awhile, the Air Force has contracted out thirdparties to hammer out the system, but it's "been in the works" for far longer than even the military's system of overtesting something to death can account for.
  8. P

    British hacker extradition sanctioned..

    A computer? Also, the military throws a rather big fit when they get hacked, even if their security holes are their fault. They have a lot of trouble with hackers: from kiddies going for something to brag about, to identity theives going for enlisted records which are a goddamn goldmine...
  9. P

    British hacker extradition sanctioned..

    Rosh has the situation down exactly. The same training and squadron base I went to for combat comm was also shared by some other techs including the computer techs. They have a 6 month tech school, learn straight out of Microsoft's NT book, and don't pay attention to shit. All they care about is...
  10. P

    Next Generation Five That Fell editorial

    Uhhhhh... what? I don't see that. At all. Baldur's Gate was fairly decent in some regards, but ultimately a failure. It can in no way be compared to Fallout, not even as its horribly malformed bastard child.
  11. P

    Alternative Perspective

    I picture the skies being clean and blue, with desert-like sunsets. Since it's set a good time after the war, the debris has long settled and all the factories and cars are gone so the sky should be fairly serene. Also, without city lights to steal from their splendor, the stars would be visible...
  12. P

    10 best games.

    ... and The Dig, but that game was kinda "meh". A decent game, but really can't stand against the rest of their lineup. I still mourn for Sam and Max 2 being cancelled, I never saw anything of it, but I had hopes.
  13. P

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Lux Aeterna - Requiem for a Dream soundtrack.
  14. P

    I just came back from my first time at a casino...

    Only reason I go anywhere near casinos: free drinks. I play extremely slowly, putting a quarter in a machine maybe once every three minutes. By the end of the night I lost 3 to 5 bucks, assuming none of the machines came back with anything, and I get about 40-60 bucks in drinks for almost...
  15. P

    Taepodong-2 missile was aimed at Hawaii?

    There is a difference between testing a missle and making an aggressive gesture. Firing into, near, or over a country or state falls in the second catagory.
  16. P

    Atomic Dawn over Los Angeles

    His hand, it doesn't look like it's in his pocket, though it's not there. The taper of his sleeve looks wrong too.
  17. P

    Prank on Japanese

    Wow.. just... wow. That's a pretty damn elaborate prank. It's awesome.
  18. P

    The one Vault.

    A If the blood will attract them, you aren't making it far. Given the state of his foot, I wouldn't try to move further than he'd need to. The armory is the closer of the two and somewhere in the soldiering equiptment, he should be able to find a field medical pack. Basic first aid kits are...
  19. P

    Titan quest

    Not in the demo, which irritated me to hell. There's nothing like behing shot repeatedly by an archer you can't see.
  20. P

    Titan quest

    I played the demo, I found the thing to be truely uninspired. Diablo clone without any gore (if I whack some 3ft nothing creature with a sword and its send him flying acrossed the screen I want to know where the blood is, it looks funny without it), main character looks like some sort of horror...