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  1. O

    Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

    Yeah, I guess there is got to be a back story to this game that is shrouded in mystery. The more I play the game, and talk to people about Victor, and the courier's assignment; the more it seems that there is a hidden conspiracy around the whole thing. My whole thing is that the idea of...
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    Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

    The way I understand it is the opposite of that. House already controls all of the securitrons in the area, but Yes Man was removed from the so-called grid, so even if you tell House about Yes Man, there's nothing House can do about it. I think the only way for someone to take control of a...
  3. O

    Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

    Sorry, I missed the part where you established that Victor had been in Goodsprings before House opened the Lucky 38. It still doesn't make sense that House took control of an AI interface that can be on any securitron, because it was already on a securitron that House was not in control of...
  4. O

    Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

    Where does it say that Victor is from the Big Empty??? I thought it was painfully obvious that Mr. House has always been in control of Victor...?
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    Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

    Where does it say that Ulysses has anything to do with Victor???
  6. O

    Got my Shishkebab! and you can too!

    And Fire Axe, Thermic Lance, & Gauss Rifle too!
  7. O

    Got my Shishkebab! and you can too!

    I know I am not the only one that does not like the fact that the Shishkebab is so hard to find in this game. So I set out to find a reliable spot to get one, once and for all. I read that the Great Khan Armorer sometimes sells one. And I thought to myself, "I'm on my 6th file for this...
  8. O

    Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

    I meant Fallout 3, because I thought you meant Fallout 3 - my mistake. As for the original mystery surrounding the Blind Deathclaw: The Gypsum Trainyard north of Camp Golf is full of them (at least 10), so not very rare -- just localized to 1 location. I suppose they can stray pretty far from...
  9. O

    Historical Legion

    Are you referring to the Roman Empire? Yeah... take away the Ballistic fists, Chainsaws, and whatever guns the Legion uses, and you have a pretty close representation of the Roman army. The citizens of Rome, on the other hand, were pretty nice people. Except that they had sex with young...
  10. O

    Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

    It's not transferred at all. Mr. House projects whatever he wants to any securitron he wants. He could make them all be Victor. Victor is simply an interface that Mr. House thinks would be easier for the courier to interact with. As for Victor not helping you in the gun fight, I'm sure what...
  11. O

    Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

    It's not removed, it's just super-rare. you'll see a random NPC carrying one, once or twice in your entire life! I think they made it super rare because if you have the Shishkebab equipped at the same time as the space suit, the fuel tank and air tank for the two kinda get mixed up inside of...
  12. O

    Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

    My thoughts in red And the biggest mystery of all... Where the heck can I get a Shishkebab!!!!
  13. O

    Melee Character help

    I have seen a few motorcycle gas tanks and lawn mower blades around, if they just had a schematic or two laying around, we could craft one! If that was in the next patch or DLC, I would DL it, even if I lost some crit. damage on my Sniper Rifle.
  14. O

    Melee Character help

    True -- But I think that we can all agree to the philosophy of "to each, his own" -- meaning that if I want to avoid the newest patch because I want an OP sniper rifle, that's fine. And if you think it's too OP, that's fine too. It's not like we have online death-matches. The way I look at...
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    Rose, Van Graffs and Crimson Caravan-

    I always kill the Van Graffs for the BoS before I even meet Cass. Because I want power armor. Out of all my playthroughs (3 on X360 and 3 on PS3), I think I helped Cass one time, and killed Alice, etc. On my most recent playthrough, I sided with the Legion and made the NCR hate me, and...
  16. O

    Melee Character help

    a. You don't have to complete anything, as soon as the Elder trusts you enough to give you an actual mission (after getting rid of the NCR guy outside), the shop is available, and so is the Thermic Lance b. If you go straight from goodsprings to the 188 trading post (like I did), you can get...
  17. O

    Melee Character help

    Yeah, I see it at the BoS bunker as soon as the Elder allows you to buy stuff. But if it ignores DT after downloading the newest patch, then it's no good to me because I have not DL'ed any patches. Why? because I heard that sniper rifles got nerfed big-time. And I love me some sniper rifles...
  18. O

    Melee Character help

    Dang. So that makes the best melee weapons: 1. Oh Baby! 2. Knock Knock 3. Chance's Knife 4. Machete Gladius 5. Liberator