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  1. O

    Cazadors- your thoughts?

    un-patched sniper rifle FTW!! Or, if you have the patch a Shishkebab (with pyromaniac perk) will make quick work of them... but you have to get pretty close for that; and you will get hit a few times. Back to cazadores: The new DLC has Giant Cazadores! These things are beastly!! One time I...
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    Honest Hearts Question

    Yeah, it was weird. I chose to take Joshua's side and kill all the White-legs; so down we go, along the river. Along the way, I remembered a foot-locker that had a "very hard" lock on it that I couldn't open before (at a ranger substation west of the river), but I had levelled up since then, and...
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    Honest Hearts Question

    ok, I was a little confused about that... maybe you guys can shed some light on that. I went to every possible place I could find, and only got 4 out of 6 of the survivalist's cache things. I must have not fully explored a few of the caves I went into. Then during the final battle with the...
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    Packing for Zion

    PSN store finally came back online thursday!! Before I even went to the northern passage, I went back to my motel rooms and dropped off a bunch of stuff, so that I was at 100 lbs. (not knowing what the weight limit was -- and having not fully read this topic), and first thing I did was talk to...
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    Honest Hearts Question

    Are you talking about the Ghost of She side-quest?
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    I think I had some giant Cazadores do my dirty work, in one of the last missions of Honest Hearts. If you don't want to read any details about the new DLC, then don't read any more. ... Okay, so I was doing the quest where you have to kill a bunch of white-legs, over on the south-west part of...
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    Veronica Glitch Thing

    I could be wrong about this, but I think all you have to do is go to the Brotherhood of Steel bunker in Hidden Valley and start the quest for them, and she will start her side-quest with you. Sometimes she will ask you to take her there, but it seems like that is not happening for you.
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    In that case, i will just stick with .45-70HP ammo* for everything except heavily armored people and deathclaws, and use my sniper rifle (from a distance) for deathclaws. *best thing for cazadores, btw.
  9. O

    Hitman Build

    Without my survival, or explosives, or sneak skills at 30; I didn't have access to Hunter, or Heave Ho!, or Friend of the Night. (you'd think with a 9 in END I would have 30 in Survival, but no -- it's only 23) So, I had to choose from: Confirmed Bachelor Retention Swift Learner or...
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    It's funny that you mention that, I just finally raised my survival skill to 60 to see what he says. Seemed kinda useless, so I didn't save. My Ranger Sequoia with hollow point rounds takes down almost anything in 1-shot.... except deathclaws. I suppose I would need AP rounds for...
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    Hitman Build

    I'm doing an unarmed/survivalist build so I wanted to see what it was like to have a 9 for END. As for implants, I usually just get the Nemean sub-dermal armor, and one more for which ever SPECIAL stat I am lacking at the moment. I have never used implants to raise all of my SPECIAL stats...
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    Hitman Build

    Ended up going with: S: 9 P: 6 E: 9 C: 1 I: 9 A: 1 L: 6 Started with Perception at 5, but added a 1 point at level 2. I just don't like the enhanced sensor perk that comes from ED-E, because when i see a red mark, I go to see what it is -- but with ED-E I will be walking for 3...
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    Hardcore Run

    The main annoying thing for me was that stim-paks heal over time instead of instantly. I guess I am kinda spoiled by the many many games that have insta-heal potions. If you are in combat with a group of powerful enemies like Cazadores, Deathclaws, or Brotherhood of Steel Paladins; you will...
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    Anti-Materiel Sniper?

    I don't use the AMR very much, but if I remember correctly, it was slow to re-load. Isn't the DAM higher than the DPS? or am I thinking of a different gun? I always choose the .308 Sniper Rifle because I know a few spots to find them early in the game (requires high lock-pick skill), and the...
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    Hitman Build

    I guess I never realized how useless Agility is -- I've been sinking 6 or or 7 points into that stat all this time, for nothing. I wonder how much less AP I would have with my Agility at 1... and what else would be affected? I know it affects a few skills, but I can always add points or tag the...
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    Hitman Build

    Whoa, I did not know that. So charisma is not as useless as I thought... ...unless I am playing my character that has no companions, and uses a high intelligence score to add skill points to speech, and uses the money glitch to get all the money he needs. But that's just my most recent...
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    Level Cap - To easy?

    more like, missing a lot of quests. And possibly, a lot of locations -- though, finding locations doesn't directly give you much xp -- they do have plenty of opportunities for getting lots of xp. I like to walk around the mojave looking for caves, then clear them out and collect the loot...
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    Hitman Build

    Zoom in on something with a sniper rifle, when you have 20 or less in guns. The cross hairs will be moving all over the place. Yeah, it's possible to time your shot when the cross hairs are over your target, but it's bloody annoying. There is only 2 perks affected by Charisma (Animal Friend &...
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    Hitman Build

    That's a pretty good idea for a build... but why 8 for Charisma?
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    Melee Builds... Extremely Powerful

    I know the money glitch works on xbox360 and PS3, does it not work on PC? If done properly, the money glitch can get you enough money for all the implants in 2 hours.