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  1. O

    Independent/Yes Man or Mr.House ending?

    You poor, unfortunate soul. I sympathize with your plight. Not understanding english in this day and age is truly a fault of your parents and/or caretakers. And I have half a mind to give them a stern talking to. This means that if I am rude to you, that you will be rude back. Another word for...
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    Independent/Yes Man or Mr.House ending?

    And you call my posts unintelligible?!? You sir, are a hypocrite. I needn't waste any more time lowering myself to your level, by bothering to feed the flames or your incivility.
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    The battle between the couriers.

    but the roman empire lasted for 500 years! How long do you expect it to take for CL to collapse?
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    The battle between the couriers.

    This may be true, but replacing crime and poverty with crucifictions and slavery is not the answer...IMO.
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    Why no continuation with DLC installation?

    Any time you have 2 or more posts in a row without someone else's post in-between, that is considered a double post; or triple post.... or, god forbid, a quadruple post. You did a triple post, and then a double post. If you are replying to 2 or more people, you have to put all replies in the...
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    Survivalist Build

    The last 2 characters I played, I went east from Goodsprings --towards Hidden Valley -- you can make it to Scorpion Gulch pretty easily from there... full of bark scorpions. You can find quite a few right by Hidden Valley, too.
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    Why no continuation with DLC installation?

    I agree with you Gjefflin. I wish we had the option to continue playing the game, even if the main quest is done. It might not make sense for some of the locations to have certain factions still there after you choose an ending that would contradict their presence there -- but I would not care...
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    Independent/Yes Man or Mr.House ending?

    No, you are wrong derp. fail again. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    Melee Builds... Extremely Powerful

    If you can 1-hit kill the Legendary Deathclaw, then there's not much room for improvement. On my first melee focused character, I went for the Oh Baby! Super Sledge, and the Knock Knock fire axe as my primary weapons... but then I discovered a good way to get the Shishkebab. And on my next...
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    Independent/Yes Man or Mr.House ending?

    Learn how to quote poetry then, derp. "Old age should burn and rave at close of day" --Dylan Thomas
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    Ed-E's quest key words wont unlock 2nd recording

    I found this side-quest to be very annoying. Sometimes it seemed like Ed-E would unlock more recordings at random times. I have completed this side-quest before, but I really can't tell you where to go, or who to talk to. And judging by the lack of replies in this topic over the last few...
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    Independent/Yes Man or Mr.House ending?

    I know what a counterarguement is. It should not even be needed. I agree with what ramessesjones said, but WHY should I bother to write that? That should be common knowledge among Fallout fans. I would even go so far as to say, I would like to see missions or DLC take place in Europe, China, or...
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    Independent/Yes Man or Mr.House ending?

    Sorry buddy, but... is not my opinion. That's a fact. edit: the really sad part about this whole thing is: I would enjoy a Fallout game set in another country, just as much as any of you. And I actually said it was a VALID idea, earlier in the topic. But Requiem for a Starfury just had to...
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    Independent/Yes Man or Mr.House ending?

    Having other games take place outside the U.S. has nothing to do with putting the next Fallout game outside the U.S. It has to do with all other FALLOUT games being in the U.S. The entire mythology of the Fallout series has to do with people in the U.S. after it's war with China. I am shocked...
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    Independent/Yes Man or Mr.House ending?

    You are a retard! CoD: B.O., Battlefield: B.C. 2, and Medal of Honor are about AMERICAN soldiers fighting wars. Mass Effect 2: I'm pretty sure is in space. Assassin's Creed takes place in The U.S or Canada (with the main character dreaming that he is in Italy), and Red Dead Redemption is in...
  16. O

    Independent/Yes Man or Mr.House ending?

    I didn't insult anyone. I said, and I quote, "valid idea is valid". It was over at that point. You are beating a dead horse! :falloutonline: *I really wanted to use that emoticon* I honestly don't think it's a bad idea or stupid. I have quoted myself saying that it is valid more than...
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    Independent/Yes Man or Mr.House ending?

    You'd have to be pretty dumb to think that it's not easier to put the next Fallout Game somewhere in the United States. I mean, that is what we are really talking about here. Putting the game in Europe might make a few r-tards around here nerdgasm in their pants, but it would be a foolish...
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    What about changing locations?

    This was fun Wintermind. We should do it again some time. You gave me some good ideas for my avatar and sig. peace.
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    Independent/Yes Man or Mr.House ending?

    yes, we established that.
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    Should I buy this game? (unpatched)

    I have this game on xbox360 and PS3 (the xbox is at my brother's house), so I have played it extensively on both consoles. unpatched, and with no DLC. That being said, you should get this game. I had very little issues on xbox360. It will freeze once in a while, but the PS3 version freezes...