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  1. FOvet

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    What's wrong with another good fantasy RPG? You know, so long as it's not cliche and stupid.
  2. FOvet

    [POLL] Have you played Wasteland!?

    LMFAO! *That* was very cute Sduibek; very very funny indeed! XD XD XD
  3. FOvet

    Fallout Haiku

    OMG, I love that! Down the well I go Standing in a pile of shit Dymamite go boom! NEXT: Conversing with the Enclave President from FO2 (forgot his name dammit!)
  4. FOvet

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    Does Brother None work for Obsidion or something? He sure hints like he does. How else would he have info that nobody else does. o.o
  5. FOvet

    To All FO2 modders out there; an idea!

    I had an idea for what I think would be a simple mod (if there is a such thing) for FO2. Someone mentioned on another forum how everyone in the world seems to have forgotten how to make a simple bow or crossbow. I have thought this for some time myself; hence my weapon mod idea. How about...
  6. FOvet

    [POLL] Have you played Wasteland!?

    I've never even heard of the game before joining NMA, so I have no idea even what it is. I wouldn't mind getting more info on it though. Is it a PC game?
  7. FOvet

    Fallout- Old Glory

    OOC: I read your char sheet Dark (I had to do some searching to find it, lol)...but umm...who is Eve? Arianna's attention was torn from Jacob by that of a man, dressed in a labcoat not unlike her own--only his seemed to be hardier then hers, armored in several vital areas. She couldn't help...
  8. FOvet

    Fallout- Old Glory OOC

    Hey Scyth, I read your character--interesting, if you read my character, they aren't all that different. Both scientists, both knowledgable about the old world (Ari had to be, presumably Enclave education would include history lessons--and she is particularly knowledgable about FEV, given she...
  9. FOvet

    Shattered Wasteland

    Kira frowned as she approached closer. Broken Hills. She was on her way there; and this child was a slave to possibly a raider, judging by his condition. Most people treated their slaves like shit, but typically only raiders or psychopaths branded their slaves like this child was branded. Not...
  10. FOvet

    Fallout- Old Glory

    Arianna stared at Jacob, aghast at his statements. It was like a verbal slap in the face to her; and one that caused more pain than he probably realized. 'Just like you can't fix feral ghouls...idealism causes more problems than it fixes.' Those words stung deep, reopening old wounds that would...
  11. FOvet

    I'm reading the FO bible, and already found an oddity...

    LOL, fair enough I suppose. I'm bound to find more things, I'm sure, as I read all 200+ pages of this thing :D
  12. FOvet

    I'm reading the FO bible, and already found an oddity...

    Okay, I downloaded the FObible from the files here at NMA, and for the first time ever, am reading it. Already, less than 10 pages in, I found something that doesn't quite fit with what we've seen in the FO series, and was wondering if you guys could shed some light on it. Here's an excerpt from...
  13. FOvet

    Makta's random screenshots of awesomeness!

    With all the total *shit* I've been hearing about Steam at this place, if I were ever interested in getting games through them (which I'm not), i sure as hell wouldn't now. I mean for god's sake, all I've been hearing about is how steam games seem to crash, lack files, and/or just in general be...