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  1. FOvet

    Fallout- Old Glory

    Ari gave Chamelion a sideways glance. She found the man intriguing; she wished she could see into his eyes but that damned face-plate was in the way. She almost laughed bitterly at his words. "You think just because he's a doctor he is trustworthy?" She couldn't quite keep the sarcasm from...
  2. FOvet

    Real replay value (plot and quests)

    :clap: :clap: :clap: Exactly. It's a different kind of replay value :)
  3. FOvet

    Fallout Freestyle (poetry)

    I do, and thanks for not being a smartass. And no, I don't KNOW you, but I like you, hence Slav instead of oh SNAP! :D :D XD I'm currently reading the FO bible which has some fascinating things in it. I'll eventually get around to looking some of this stuff up, but i'm a busy girl ;)
  4. FOvet

    Which songs did you think the game was missing?

    DEFINATELY Johnny Cash, it would've matched well with Marty Robbin's Big Iron (I loved that song being in the game). I wish FO3s title song had been included too; I love that song to death. A song that totally doesn't fit the universe but would still match the setting: Horse with No name.
  5. FOvet

    Real replay value (plot and quests)

    Funnily enough, I do this all the time; though I'm not doing nothing, I'm exploring and/or rping, and generally seeing if I can survive with a minimal of equipment/items.
  6. FOvet

    Metal Gear Solid 4: A discussion :)

    Very true, and I love the term 'rambo' everyone. I will forever use that term from now on, and give credit to mobucks ^__^ The thing is, you were always 'punished' for ramboing through everyone. This occred moreso in MGS Solid Snake then it did in 2 or 3, but there was still strong reasons to...
  7. FOvet

    Shattered Wasteland

    Scorpio...the name resonated within her. It was was so familiar somehow, that name. And yet, where on earth had she heard it? She filed the question away in the back of her mind for now, and gazed at Dredge. When he mentioned his name, her blood ran cold, and her eyes glinted dangerously with...
  8. FOvet

    Fallout- Old Glory

    Ari saw from the corner of her eye, the child begin to tear into the Iguanna, much like a dog would devour a bone. He seemed to trust her; something that simultaniously touched her heart and darkened it. She didn't feel worthy of trust, but nobody else was going to advocate for him. She made a...
  9. FOvet

    Have you replayed Fallout 3 yet? How was it?

    I cringe at your criticism of mothership Zeta...that was one of my favorite DLCs. It really reminded me of some of the satirical humor of FO2 imo.
  10. FOvet

    Things we learned from Fallout 3

    especially Tesla armor, imo. There's no reason a pulse grenade shouldn't harm someone in power armor; if not the individual inside, it should at very last make the armor inoperable, and therefore make it impossible for the soldier within it to move.
  11. FOvet

    Metal Gear Solid 4: A discussion :)

    Okay, I felt I had to make this, A-because I'm a huge fan of the MGS series, and B-because it seems a LOT of people have something to say about this wonderful game (or shitty game depending on your PoV). So, I want to see all the opinions. Air them out! Metal Gear Solid 4: Discuss! I loved...
  12. FOvet

    Things we learned from Fallout 3

    620: Everyone in the FO3 universe *except* the lone wanderer has power armor training. 621: Changing the name of the laser rifle can drastically increase its damage! (Waser Wifle...Wow). 622: You can take a giant stinger the size of a couch right through the chest and you're perfectly...
  13. FOvet

    To All FO2 modders out there; an idea!

    That sux....Hmmm. ow would one go about 'doing' sprites? Is this acomplishable via Photoshop? Because if there is a modder with the knowhow to implement this, I know my way around photoshop. You might say it's a hobby of mine, so if it can be done via PS, I could do that part of it.
  14. FOvet

    Real replay value (plot and quests)

    I think FO3 has immense replay value too. Plenty of things/places to find, especially unlisted locations, and things like that. I have over 4 or 5 fallout 3 playthroughs and I still occasionally come across something new. VERY occasionally. That said, as far as the main storyline goes, FONV...
  15. FOvet

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    LOL, it might. But even if it is, it could still be good. I love a well-put together fantasy. Elder Scrolls 4, so far, I am finding very fun to play. Also, I am a Tolkien fan, so fantasy is my element (anyone ever read the Chronicles of Elantra? I'm on Cast in Secret, book 4 of the series)...
  16. FOvet

    What if Fallout "4"..

    OMG! I missed a lot of referrences. That is probably my favorit line in FO2 (or even of any FO game), it made me laugh so hard when I read it!!! Where is that quote from? Did he actually say that in a movie, or just a similar quote?
  17. FOvet

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    Ahhh I see. Nice to see connected people actually have the time to post on forums :D :D
  18. FOvet

    What if Fallout "4"..

    Shit, I missed that one Snap. And I watch SP too, but am new to the series, so I wouldn't understand humor based on older episodes. THIS Makta, is the ONLY issue I take from most of the original fans arguments. I don't mind people who disagree and actually have valid reasons for doing so...
  19. FOvet

    FO3 or FO: NV?

    WOW this is a tough one for me. If I HAD to choose one of them, I'd say I like FO3 better, even though admittedly FONV is closer to cannon. Why? I like the atmosphere of FO3 better than I do NV. I like being able to explore the wasteland without running into a friggin settlement of people...
  20. FOvet

    Fallout Freestyle (poetry)

    Sadly, I don't remember this one, Slav...maybe you could write that one, LOL.