How can you criticize an economic system (an a work system, because that's what they cared about, with all the "workers of the world" and so forth) when you haven't taken part in it?
Why would I base my economic philosophy on a man who never even had a real job (Karl Marx)? Enough said right there. While I'm talking about "crap the communists did" how about Mao? Jeez he was RETARDED. Example: telling the farmers to melt down all of their tools so they could become...
sorry, I couldn't watch your video (monthly data cap, can only use 50 GB), but nVidia isn't "forcing gameworks crap" on anyone. The developer of the game willfully enters a contract with nVidia. Anything past that (such as claims that nVidia somehow tries to slow down old cards) just seems...
But I buy Nvidia because of quality, simply said running an AMD card in games with gameworks,hairworks, so forth it's really laggy on AMD. Which is why I go with nvidia
Plus I get gamestream, nvidia shield, nvidia g sync, etc.
Someone on /v/ said that "Fallout has always been about the shooting" and therefore because Fallout 4 does it best (which I disagree with) it was the best game. I responded with a picture of Tim Cain and the famous "plasma gun" quote.
So for the past few hours I've been looking at the history of Fallout and also Vault 13 A GURPS Role-Playing Game, or whatever it was meant to be called. So my question is, exactly why did Steve Jackson Games choose to part ways with Interplay? What exactly about Fallout didn't he like?
lol remember this
I believe that there was a reviewer on some professional "journalism" website (game journalism sucks btw) who said that he felt a sense of nostalgia because of Fallout 4's bugs, but on that same website their review of Fallout New Vegas criticized it for having similar issues
They should leave because simply stated large governments and steps toward one-world government are too dangerous to society. Turns out, with one large group heading more nested groups, the complex layers of bureaucracy can become corrupt, which endangers the people most of all. I just simply...
On a side note, just a quick spiel about Skyrim guilds
Companions = extort people for money and hack-and-slash through every other main mission
Thieves guild = just kill them all, screw stealth
Mage's guild = know two spells (one to get in, then the ward) and that's it
Bard's college = fetch...
Well shouldn't there be mods on console that take away the building limit? After all consoles have mods now.
Also, here's babby's first steam review of logical fallacies:
"Everyone is saying this DLC is useless because it could've been made by modders.
Key word.
They will literally...