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  1. mikek17

    DETROIT: Become Human

    Looks cool but it's PS4 exclusive
  2. mikek17

    Tyranny Discussion Thread

    We can only hope. I'll buy Tyranny as long as it doesn't become this:
  3. mikek17

    This goddamn forum: stereotypes abound!

    You should see Wikipedia's GamerGate page
  4. mikek17

    Tyranny Discussion Thread

    Well look at it this way. I load up vanilla CK2 and I can't play as muslims, can't play as indians, nomadis, republics, fuck I can play like 1/3 of the world or less without DLC. But their DLC isn't in an ultimate edition or anything. It's just $150 of raw content. Now imagine playing...
  5. mikek17

    Historical politicians thread

    I am concerned at the credibility of Marx on economic matters considering his only real "job" came from his writings
  6. mikek17

    Todd admits Fallout 4's Dialogue didn't work, you'll never guess what happened next

    Fallout 4 doesn't really have true dialogue anyways. Let's be honest--you don't have the options at all... at least with Fallout 3 you could speak and make different points, or maybe the skill checks (albeit arbitrary or stupid ones) whereas in Fallout 4 the most "in depth" thing you can do is...
  7. mikek17

    Tyranny Discussion Thread

    We can only hope so, but there have been times when publishers have forced their influence... I can only hope that there isn't any DLC BS.
  8. mikek17

    Tyranny Discussion Thread

    Well Paradox is working on it so you can already count out it not being good--they're going to flood it with 56 DLC packs just so that you can get what should've been in the game in the first place.
  9. mikek17

    Historical politicians thread

    Favorite politicians? Just registered here but I'll try. Some of these people aren't what you'd call politicians nowadays, but whatever. Blessed Charles the Great Niccolo Machiavelli Saint Thomas More Justinian the Great Louis XIV the Great of France Julius Caesar Kaiser Heinrich IV