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  1. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout roots.

    Funny info for you. It's actually a possible scenario. :)
  2. Languorous_Maiar

    Does Nuking both Nations at the end of LR destroy them?

    Nukes are going for main cities/towns, not only trade routes like others are saying. When you're choosing what you want nuke, you can see that warning about cities. :) My some PM about it to other user:
  3. Languorous_Maiar

    the failings of the SPECIAL system

    Main flaws, which are killing entire beauty of SPECIAL: -A lot of perks don't work at all, all the rest is non-balanced. -Non-balanced traits. -Too many useless skills and too many must-have skills.
  4. Languorous_Maiar

    Is the L.A Boneyard an NCR City?

    Considering what Urquhart said: For sure it isn't completely controlled by NCR.
  5. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout Easter Eggs

    You need to get critical hit from enemy using fire based weapon, while holding egg in one of the slots. Then you can eat it, gaining +1 luck in process.
  6. Languorous_Maiar

    Is the hunt for Enclave members justified?

    No, it's based on info from FNV. It's basic to Fallout lore, and you're arguing it. It's clear that BoS started the war, and the BoS is evil/bad side in NCR-BoS conflict. He is hunted too. :) Just look at this: You don't see him being opressed by NCR around 2242 because NCR didn't...
  7. Languorous_Maiar

    What does "War Never Changes" mean to you?

    For me, answer is in intro of Fo1 Imho, it isn't about objective, but about war itself. It was always about killing people/abusing them and always will be, so never changing story.
  8. Languorous_Maiar

    Is the hunt for Enclave members justified?

    There is no reference for Enclave wanting to clear entire Earth because of Master and his actions, especially because Enclave from the start treated entire population of Earth (even radiation-free BoS) as "mutants". They just wanted to kill everyone because: a) They couldn't go into another...
  9. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout 1: Which is harder, Master's Vault or Military Base?

    If going for aggresive route, same difficulty. From my AAR as low-health brawler: I died 4 times in Military Base but in Cathedral too. I mean, just look at ss from battle with Lou: On other hand, those officers from Vault are kinda hard (A LOT of hp as for mutants) But...
  10. Languorous_Maiar

    What's your opinion on Tactics?

    This doesn't sound silly. Entire mp community of Tactics was great... but you know what's silly? Shooting throught walls with rocket launcher. If devs aren't fixing such bugs... it's horrible.
  11. Languorous_Maiar

    Lonesome Road Talk (obviously spoilers)

    For me, Ulysses is kinda hypocrite. Entire "courier need to be part of apocalypse" is bullshit, really, he want to nuke entire state because some small community got wiped out by accident? Not even saying that he's glorifying old USA, but by the way he's making same mistake as USA did, and he...
  12. Languorous_Maiar

    Huh, Las Vegas is a really huge city

    I personally hate necromancy.
  13. Languorous_Maiar

    Subm.: XCOM: Enemy Unknown

    I lol'd. Dragone Age is greatest example of: It's more hack'n'slash than RPG... same for Mass Effect, which is more 3 person shooter, than RPG.
  14. Languorous_Maiar

    Mr. New Vegas as an AI: references in game Erm, there is needed explanation for bringing music and news to Mojave by House? Huh?
  15. Languorous_Maiar

    Fallout Shady Sands Crash

    Maybe write about it there: Or some wiki page, where bugs are reported, so Sduibek will know about the problem.
  16. Languorous_Maiar

    What I want to see implimented.

    Another one! I'm tired of posting that quote.
  17. Languorous_Maiar

    Galaxy News Radio - Internet radio station

    Woo, the problem is, there is only soundtrack from Fo3/FNV, not location soundtrack from FO1/2, which is great. So another tip for you mr GNRadio, use also soundtrack from old Fallouts. They're outstanding, full of Fallout atmosphere.