Search results

  1. Ardent

    Is there a way to remove the trade system for party members?

    Re: Is there a way to remove the trade system for party memb You could try editing the companion protos and setting their "Can Trade?" flag to NO. This will result in a "This person will not barter with you" message, although I'm not sure whether it works for companion trading, you'd have to...
  2. Ardent

    Fallout 2 inventory frm problem

    How long is your file name? It can't be longer than 8 characters. Can't think of other solutions atm, from what you're saying all should be fine. Some additional questions: Can you view your .frm with Titanum FRM browser, or is it blank like in the game? Are you sure your .frm is created...
  3. Ardent

    Scripting question(s)

    One more thing to look out for - some macros from COMMAND.h, DEFINE.h and other header files are used very frequently, but are composed of more than one line of code, so you need to make sure to use them in an if-then begin statement. E.g.: if (source_obj == dude_obj) then begin...
  4. Ardent

    Scripting/Mapper questions

    AFAIK, reaction is a system that had very little impact in the game. GetReaction is called before dialogue is started, so the NPC determines his/her reaction to your character, changing it depending on your karma, reputations, titles (e.g. slaver), Charisma, gender, etc. A value of reaction is...
  5. Ardent

    Recording Fallouty videos in FRAPS

    Me and Aguirre are using AVS Video Editor to capture and edit our videos. A free trial version is available, but it puts a 1-minute watermark every 4 minutes of footage (so you can actually work around this limitation to have "clear" videos). We both have the pro version which costs about 30...
  6. Ardent


    I said the list was biased :P
  7. Ardent


    Oh, right. You know, the more we hear from Arek, the more I'm thinking he's the ultimate troll, and that he's not really making any mod. He just throws together some unbelievable shit in 5 minutes and posts it as screenshots or a movie, or an interface screen and then laughs his ass off at...
  8. Ardent


    No problem, glad to help :) I have no knowledge of any mods developed in Polish that would currently be alive, sorry. On the other hand, I haven't been following our home Fallout modding scene, so I may not be the right guy to ask. Try Cubik2k - I believe he has a much better idea of what's...
  9. Ardent


    Well, here's a quick list ("slightly" biased too): *) Mutants Rising 8-) We're building a whole new adventure in the Fallout universe, related somewhat to Fallout 2 (character-wise). We haven't finished yet, but we have a demo that you're welcome to check out. *) Ardent's Mod -> My solo...
  10. Ardent

    "Fallout: Between Good & Evil" announcement

    Good news :) Looking forward to it!
  11. Ardent

    Wasteland 2 update: details on camera, HUD, dialog

    This is supposed to mean you don't need to type in keywords to progress in the game - you will get all the game and quest critical info through keywords. The "console" option is for extracurricular and flavour information - like in Fallout 1.
  12. Ardent

    Mve to avi PLS HELP

    Could your problems result from your inability to use command line programs? I've never had any issues with avi2mve conversion :scratch:
  13. Ardent

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    Good to have some news :) I'm really looking forward to this project! Hopefully, it will be translated into English sometime soon - my Czech is terrible :P
  14. Ardent

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Re: Great work Sorry, this is mostly out of RP's scope, but I had no other place to reply to that, and I don't want to make it seem like I totally ignored the subject. It is a very well-designed and cool-sounding feature, but I will not script it for vanilla MR, for the following reasons...
  15. Ardent

    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    Love the video - the game is looking much better than I expected. And I'm totally OK with the keyword dialogue. First, it's more work to write elaborate lines for the PC, so getting that problem out of the way means bigger scope and more NPC responses. Second, if I'm controlling a 4+...
  16. Ardent

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Re: Arroyo Easier said than done. Walla sfx for maps is typed in the maps.txt file which cannot be influenced dynamically in-game. Although Killap could probably remove this particular effect from maps.txt and edit the map's script to play a dog barking effect on map enter, as long as Smoke...
  17. Ardent

    Giving Cassidy a voice.

    @Josan12: Hey, first off, sorry for taking so long with replying to your question - it's been a hectic week for me. Well, this head has a particular problem of not having a frame that would look like "oo". So I guess you will have to make do with putting frame 0 for T and either frame 1 or 3...
  18. Ardent

    Did anyone ever...

    I think it's a very cool idea! I'd take part in it, if it were to happen :D
  19. Ardent

    Giving Cassidy a voice.

    Okay, let's try to analyze one of Cassidy's lines (line 137). Note, I don't have Dravean's recording of it, so it'll be done purely on the basis of my knowledge of English phonetics (not too good): You always need to start with closed mouth. So drop the first marker at 0000 and use the...
  20. Ardent

    Giving Cassidy a voice.

    Guys, this is the phoneme chart for Cassidy: The numbers are the animation frames. The letters DO NOT represent letters, but SOUNDS or PHONEMES, i.e.: phoneme "I" doesn't read "Aye", but "Ee". And phoneme "E" is not "Ee", but rather like the "e" in the word "red" ("eh"?). This is also the...