Search results

  1. Ardent

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    I'm using this function both in Ardent's Mod and in Mutants Rising. In both cases, I'm calling them from Examples from MR: procedure map_update_p_proc begin //Crippled interface tag if (dude_is_crippled == true) then begin show_iface_tag(6); end else...
  2. Ardent

    Fallout 4 teased? Three Dog returning

    Three Dog making a return sounds like a preposterous assumption, but knowing Beth, I'm actually willing to believe it. Fallout 4 - adventures of Three Dog in Boston, where the Brotherhood of Steel fights androids from the Institute and some random supermutants (because why not?). Chuck in some...
  3. Ardent

    Looking for new weapon inventory graphics

    I'm pretty sure you should be familiar with this thread, but in case you're not, here's a link:
  4. Ardent

    Giving Cassidy a voice.

    We would also chip in a phoneme chart for Cassidy, so you know which animation frame goes with which letters/sounds :D
  5. Ardent

    Two (now four) sfall scripting questions

    If once you start down the Fallout modding path, forever will it dominate your destiny!
  6. Ardent

    Two (now four) sfall scripting questions

    Yeah, that's not an overnight solution, sadly. Maybe put that in the readme? Then you can brush them off with a RTFM or something :P Seriously though, if I were you, I think I'd still go with the armor hack. And when Timeslip has time to do something about it, I'd release a small patch...
  7. Ardent

    FO2 mod Mutants Rising: New Year update

    Big thanks for the offer, Deadlus! They are really nice maps! However, what we need are either new maps built according to very specific designs, or modified maps, with some stuff added/removed/moved about. I'm afraid we simply wouldn't be able to use your work without altering 3/4 or more of...
  8. Ardent

    Two (now four) sfall scripting questions

    You're right, I forgot about the combat mode. So far, we only used this dirty trick to change Dude's appearance when out of combat, so it never really came up. Also, good point about dropping the armor. Users will always find a way to break things, but in this case - this is ultimately the...
  9. Ardent

    Two (now four) sfall scripting questions

    So far, we haven't managed to solve this issue. The player character changes appearance to the Vault suit when you open the inventory. I tried disabling PipBoy, as it only happens after getting the pipboy from the Temple of Trials (when I tested this with the tribal look, there was no such...
  10. Ardent

    FO2 mod Mutants Rising: New Year update

    There are four main quests. Three of them are neutral in terms of morality and one presumes you want to do good. However, you can ignore this particular main quest (which could count as an "evil" solution), and you can also complete this quest using evil means, which technically makes it an evil...
  11. Ardent

    FO2 mod Mutants Rising: New Year update

    Brian, known around here as Cunningandvalor. He's a professional voice actor, as far as I know. Because whores and booze would keep us from finishing this mother off 8-) We don't require legendary reputation on NMA from our guys - our lead writer doesn't even have an account here, if I'm...
  12. Ardent

    FO2 mod Mutants Rising: New Year update

    That'd be super-cool :) Sent you a PM about it.
  13. Ardent

    FO2 TC: Fallout of Nevada

    Da, gotov :D Gavaryu po Russkij ochien ploho, nu ya ponimal. Spasibo! My Russian is pathetic. But thanks nonetheless :D
  14. Ardent

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    Great stuff, man! Thank you! Although we're not using the appearance mod in MR, I'll still make sure the extra animations get used in the game. Well done! Keep up the excellent work! :clap:
  15. Ardent

    PAL files for ending screens

    Thanks for the info, Killap! I haven't touched the subject since, other matters got in the way. If I were to guess - it sounds plausible that it's enough to rename the color.pal file - in fact, all MR ending screens are painted with the Fallout palette in mind and look good when put in indexed...
  16. Ardent

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    Nice work, my good Panda. Isn't it too long to fit in the description window though? I'll test it when I have a while. @Geras: The tribal punkette looks awesome! I think the tan gives her a cool, unique vibe. Great work on the whole project! :clap:
  17. Ardent

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    Nice work! :clap:
  18. Ardent

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    Resurrection has a new update. Feels kinda weird to be posting about Resurrection, instead of about MR, but the MR update will come soon as well 8)
  19. Ardent

    Critters and weapons modding

    1) Open the map you want in the mapper, 2) press F2 to toggle to critter palette, 3) select the critter you want, 4) press E or EDIT, 5) open the critter's inventory (View Inventory), 6) drop the weapons and ammo much like you would in normal gameplay, 7) close the inventory screen...
  20. Ardent

    New FSE link request

    This only has influence if you reference these FIDs/PIDs by their macros in scripts that you want to compile. For instance, this code: metarule3(107, self_obj, 16777279, 0); will always compile, because you reference the FID by its number. But the numbers can be confusing, so the...