Search results

  1. K

    Alcohol Effects Duration

    Alcoholics Anonymous Every Tuesday and Thursday for me, But in FO3, doctor in any city can heal your addiction
  2. K

    Anyone playing Fallout 3 on a worse rig?

    C'mon guys, that is pathetic. If you can afford Fallout3, you can afford a new video card. agp nvidia 6800 or Radeon X800 are ~$50 and PCIE cards are even cheaper. i'd be glad to help my fellow dwellers out, shoot me a PM if you need a new video card
  3. K

    Autumn/Atom = same voice actor?

    I dont know if general Autumn was in fo2, since im still on fo1, but wen i first heard him speak in fo3 i thought it was general atom, that rag-closthed crazy-atom bomb worshipper from Megaton became a general for enclave? inside spy? CLEVER bethesda!! (What would happen if I've blown up...
  4. K

    More Melee Weapons

    its already IN the game!
  5. K

    Queen Ant Phermones

    if your character is female, the pheromones should give you +20 char and +50 speech (to males)
  6. K

    a simple mod idea: no run if SNEAK skill is on

    maybe someone at teamX can help me out?
  7. K

    Problem running Fallout 1 High Res Patch

    that would be great it really ruins the immersion for me. is it possible to black out the sides if the aspect ration and resolution of talking heads/dialogue box is smaller than the game?
  8. K

    Fallout 3 - Wasteland Dancin'

    Now someone needs to mod the sound files so the NPCs sound like they're singing. FALLOUT 3 THE MUSICAL overhaul, here we come!!!
  9. K

    a simple mod idea: no run if SNEAK skill is on

    Exactly! :clap: Maybe if this 'mod' was made into a separate launcher 'trainer' exe to change the mem addresses, the player would just not launch fallout through it after he got the Silent Running perk so, it would be something like: perckcheck If always run=1 AND silent running...
  10. K

    a simple mod idea: no run if SNEAK skill is on

    hello, i am having the pleasure of playing fallout1 i have always run set to on, but when i try to sneak, i have to hit 1, then hold shift, click goto location, let GO of shift, and for the next move, hold shift down again and click goto sneak location is it possible to force walk only or...
  11. K

    Fallout 3, Bioshock: Videogames or not?

    That's easy! Destroy Sega 32x/CD/Saturn and just release the dreamcast in 99 after the GENESIS!!!! The dreamcast was the innovator of modern console games. QUAKE3ARENA online with a controller, anyone? But at the same time, it was much less intrusive to the PC gamign market. PC games...
  12. K

    The Talking Heads

    check your paths in fallout.cfg
  13. K

    Finally playing Fallout1, got a few questions, will add more

    thanks! I missed that link in my search next question: How to make fallout (usb stick) portable? there's a pre-modded portable version "out there" but i wanted to learn the process myself Does changing the fallout.cfg [system] master_dat=d:\games\fallout\master.dat...
  14. K

    The Talking Heads

    Mute the voice? or do u want them gone altogether, just leaving the regular isometric perspective?
  15. K

    Finally playing Fallout1, got a few questions, will add more

    without spoiling the story, what other SPECIAL skills can I avoid maxxing out at startup? example: is it possible to get +1 int? or should i just set it to 10 from start? etc
  16. K

    Real-life Fallout experiences.

    Since I've been playing Fallout3 and 1 (yes both, I alt+tab out of one to play the other) for about a month now... I had a dream last night where I was doing some stupid quest, I've felt really guilty because someone misunderstood what I said and attacked me, forcing me to kill three...
  17. K

    Slavery in Fallout 3

    I wonder if using the "killable quest essential NPCs" mod, I can mezz my dad! :crazy: I'll be the talk of the party! My friends would ask: "So? Have you beaten Fallout3 yet?" and I'd be like: "No, I can't.... I sold my dad into slavery!"
  18. K

    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #56

    I bet Yahtzee didn;t finish the game prior to the review, but did a short one just to get his email box from being bombarded from 14 year old annoyoungings demanding a FOO review
  19. K

    Finally playing Fallout1, got a few questions, will add more

    It does for me (fallout1 with Ian) it shows the price, and if I try to trade back, without offering anything, he replies that my price is nnot good enough
  20. K

    Finally playing Fallout1, got a few questions, will add more

    Traits are difficult to choose, most are two-sided swords. (except bloody mess if i <3 gore i guess...) How? When I barter wit them and give crap away for free only to have to buy it back? Thanks for the tips, especially PlanHex I think this is a suitable character...