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  1. JustAShcookius

    Your opinion is worthless

    Sunny Smiles is also the shortest girl in New Vegas. Only makes it better! (She really is the shortest npc in the entire game)
  2. JustAShcookius

    Your opinion is worthless

    Either this is some elaborate troll or this person is dead serious, but it was hilarious either way.:razz:
  3. JustAShcookius

    Russia attacks Ukraine

    got it backwards. >_> Ugh I really should sleep. Enough Metro for today.
  4. JustAShcookius

    Your opinion is worthless

    I consider myself a nice person, but that bitch is the Hillary Clinton of the Fallout subreddit. She says a lot, but awful little comes out, and what comes out sounds headless and empty. Yet people mindlessly upvote her shit cause it zounds good...
  5. JustAShcookius

    Your opinion is worthless

    The general lack of respect for old stuff is very rampant. I myself love repairing old computers. I recently built a Pentium 3 933MHZ with an ISA sound card. I set it up with Dos 6.22 and Windows 98 on separate partitions. I also purchased a Roland soundcanvas for MIDI playback in games like...
  6. JustAShcookius

    Your opinion is worthless

    Oh my shit, this is the worst one yet. Apparently Fallout makes a good Call of Duty game now.
  7. JustAShcookius

    Your opinion is worthless

    Absolutely priceless! :-P
  8. JustAShcookius

    The Degregarion of Fallout has nothing to do with FPS

    I have known for some time that the existence of the FEV Vault (vault 87?) was Bethesda dumbshittery, but I have never heard it summed up so eloquently and bluntly. Thanks for the humor.
  9. JustAShcookius

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    Dude, Fallout 4's soundtrack was the shit man! It was amazing and inspiring. Who doesnt want to feel heroic and good whenever they are slaughtering innocent settlers. And whenever we see those scary legendary radroaches, we get an EPIC BOSS BATTLE TRACK that totally doesnt last 3 seconds and...
  10. JustAShcookius

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    I couldnt give less a shit about how linear the TV series is. What ultimately matters is how it makes you FEEL. What I love about Fallout is the dark, gloomy, dead, quiet, slow, ghostly, timeless moments in between short uncommon fights. I like the feeling of killing the raiders and then...
  11. JustAShcookius

    The Degregarion of Fallout has nothing to do with FPS

    The main issue with modern games is they take everything with a grain of salt. War is fun, colorful, and romanticized. Most importantly, it is SAFE. Heaven forbid they put a SWASTIKA in a WORLD WAR 2 game. One of the best games in the history of gaming was old Call of Duty World At War. It is...
  12. JustAShcookius

    Fallout 3: Fallout At It's Finest

    Indeed. This is the same Inon Zur who composed the ambient music tracks used in Dead Money, (minus original songs of course) which in itself was a masterpiece. You will hear me fanboy that DLC and most everything about it on this forum often. He also co composed a game called Company of Heroes...
  13. JustAShcookius

    An article about Fallout

    I loved Lonesome Road, the only thing that came close was the Art Deco style of Dead Money. Considering that Fallout was a "Western Game" about creating new civilization on the bones of the past, that outdated Mexican influenced Art Deco style could not have been a better architecture choice...
  14. JustAShcookius

    Your opinion is worthless

    I get where you are coming from. I do. You just come across as being a wee bit grumpy for some reason. Also I WAS trying to be nonconfrontational and open for discussion, so sorry if it didnt seem that way. I generally appreciate what you have to say on here, all I ask for is some empathy. Hang...
  15. JustAShcookius

    Your opinion is worthless

    Like I said, I never said they were good games and that Open World games are automatically good either. For better or for worse, they greatly influenced the gaming sphere. Do not pull stuff out of words I did not say. I was aiming for neutrality.
  16. JustAShcookius

    Your opinion is worthless

    I never said they all were amazing titles. I was merely referring to the fact that so many advances and standards were set during this time. Doom set standards for FPS, Fallout set standards for RPG, Quake and CS set standards for multiplayer FPS, Bethesda titles set standards for Open World...
  17. JustAShcookius

    Your opinion is worthless

    Breaks are important. I have made multiple playthroughs of NV separated by months at a time. Seems to work for me. I recommend finding some other oldie games from the era to play like the original COD, COD 2, and WAW which actually have some interesting campaigns. WAW being for instance the...
  18. JustAShcookius

    Project Van Buren

    We take any updates we can get. Thanks!
  19. JustAShcookius

    Project Van Buren

    You said something about SDK tools in the past? That is the key to making this whole thing work. Imagine the modding capabilities for something like this... We could maybe even remake OG Fallout someday with your engine. The future is bright and I wish you luck. We'll continue following your...
  20. JustAShcookius

    Who is the hottest video game character?

    Not a spring chicken, but definitely hot. 10/10! (not)