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  1. Blastwave Dave

    Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland

    Nah, it's as good as dead. The lead coder got hired to work on 76 and retired from modding, nobody else has admitted it but it's pretty clear the mod is dead in the water without him.
  2. Blastwave Dave

    I want to cry over what Bethesda has turned this franchise into

    It's hilarious because they just made perks do what skills do rather than anything interesting.
  3. Blastwave Dave

    I want to cry over what Bethesda has turned this franchise into

    Seconding Mr. Fish, just vomit them out anywhere and everywhere. Shit, if you want dm me, I'll look at them.
  4. Blastwave Dave

    I want to cry over what Bethesda has turned this franchise into

    This is pretty sad dude, if you're this worked up maybe you should go outside.
  5. Blastwave Dave

    Most hated/annoying modding tropes?

    The characters either worship the player character or are constantly huge dicks in a somewhat meta fashion. I know it's a wasteland or whatever but every NPC being an asshole just makes me more likely to kill every one of your poorly written NPCs.
  6. Blastwave Dave

    Whats the backstory of your New Vegas Courier?

    Daxton is a neutral karma mercenary who was native to a small town outside the Mojave, but has since immigrated west in search of more profitable employment. His father was a soldier, though no matter how much Daxton asked his dad would never tell him the army he served under. His father was a...
  7. Blastwave Dave

    Why do Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Humans look better in Fallout 1 than Fallout 4?

    Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Bethesda's main art designer croak between Skyrim and Fallout 4? It's just a case of bad art direction, Fallout 3 had an overall darker tone and aesthetic so they made things more grounded and aesthetically interesting. Fallout 4 is a cartoon wonderland of...
  8. Blastwave Dave

    I can't do it... I just can't play Dead Money again.

    Nothing is more intimidating and signals intellectual superiority like telling somebody how dangerous you are over the internet. Extreme boredom, or incompetence? I'd assume the latter given your apparent ooga booga caveman brain responses, pounding your digital chest like an upset gorilla at...
  9. Blastwave Dave

    I can't do it... I just can't play Dead Money again.

    I'm in it more for the survival horror.
  10. Blastwave Dave

    I can't do it... I just can't play Dead Money again.

    Why would I lick the boots of someone so incompetent they can't even beat Dead Money multiple times? And, not only can you not handle it, you cry about it on the internet. Suffice to say, you are my direct inferior.
  11. Blastwave Dave

    NCR is actually the best ending, isn't it

    Sure everyone is happy, but now they pay taxes, which is pure evil and makes them the objectively worst faction.
  12. Blastwave Dave

    How do you feel about New California?

    While initially I quite hated it, it stands out as one of the only big quest mods that tried very hard to do what New Vegas is good at (lots of choices and consequences) rather than what it's not so good at (shooting shit with big guns.) Though there is still too much of the latter going on...
  13. Blastwave Dave

    Fallout 1 VS Fallout 2

    I've always preferred the tone and general restraint of Fallout 1's storytelling to 2. A lot of Fallout 2 is good but much of it is way, way, too silly for my tastes. I generally dislike over the top silliness in the Fallout franchise and prefer when the humor is black, not just pointing to...
  14. Blastwave Dave

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    I don't think it would be impossible to do this in the FPS style. Maybe just have isolated 'chunks' of land that you can explore in more detail when you arrive. I guess the 76 expeditions are supposed to kind of be like that.
  15. Blastwave Dave

    Why do think there aren't any Fallout novels?

    So much dialogue dedicated to generic settlers asking me to shoot generic raiders in the face. No wonder Pete hates dialogue, Pagliarulo puts me to sleep too.
  16. Blastwave Dave

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    More that the dev team is prone to drama and bickering and infighting and falling apart, is more what I'm worried about. And from what I recall many devs for that project dropped out already for reasons like that. It is also very strange to have a group of molders who don't really like New Vegas...
  17. Blastwave Dave

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    Didn't the FO4NV team recently do some really retarded blog post that basically revealed it's comprised of people who worked on The Frontier? My hopes for fallout fan projects are pretty low honestly. These massive mods never pan out the way people envision them.
  18. Blastwave Dave

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    That would be too much effort. Super mutants will just continue to be WAAAAAGH! tier orcs because FEV can be found in literally every state in the US I guess. In fact I'll bet they get even less explanation this time. You'll find one terminal somewhere that mentions the government lacing...
  19. Blastwave Dave

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    I kind of like some quests in Fallout 3, some of them feel canon enough to me that I could consider them part of my personal interpretation of the lore.