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  1. Blastwave Dave

    Hot sauces

    I love me some cholula. Nice mild spice for eggs and bacon.
  2. Blastwave Dave

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    I feel like San Fran would require acknowledging that Fallout New Vegas exists in some capacity so Bethesda won't touch NCR areas outside of very brief mentions. Manhattan seems much more in their wheelhouse, it's the laziest pick and easiest to slot into their boring wasteland with landmarks...
  3. Blastwave Dave

    Many a True Nerd "Fallout 3 is Better than you Think"

    I vaguely remember reading that they already had a post apocalypse project in early dev before getting the Fallout IP so I can see some measure if that 20 years thing being true as well. The world would certainly make a lot more sense were that the case. I do think Bethesda kind of tried...
  4. Blastwave Dave

    Many a True Nerd "Fallout 3 is Better than you Think"

    Right I'm aware that's the running fan theory but without any kind of implication that is actually the case for or since I'm left to assume Bethesda is retarded, and theres definitely plenty of evidence pointing to that being the case.
  5. Blastwave Dave

    Many a True Nerd "Fallout 3 is Better than you Think"

    The only explanation that could make even a fraction of sense to explain Fallout 3's Capital Wasteland that I could see making sense is that, being the capital of the United States, the Commies launched a series of extremely dirty nukes that were even more intense than regular nukes. But that...
  6. Blastwave Dave

    Are there any actual downsides to being a Ghoul?

    I think people underestimate how... disgusting being a ghoul would be. Being a walking corpse would not be pleasant. You would stink, you'd probably be in a lot of pain, I know they still piss and shit but the process would probably be more difficult and somehow even more repugnant. None of...
  7. Blastwave Dave

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    I wish I could like Fallout 4, funnily enough it is somehow even worse than Fallout 3 to me. 3, at least, had some shining moments and quests that I enjoy running through. Fallout 4 is the blandest setting yet, with the blandest factions, the blandest tone, and the blandest combat. Yeah that's...
  8. Blastwave Dave

    Rageaholic Review/Critique of Fallout New Vegas

    It's really convenient that almost everything he covers happens to have that circumstance then. As someone with an interest in almost everything he has made a video on I seriously doubt he does anything more than trawl discussion forums and other places for his analyses.
  9. Blastwave Dave

    Rageaholic Review/Critique of Fallout New Vegas

    My issue with Hbomb is more that he's not genuine at all. I get the impression he doesn't care at all about the topics he covers, he's in it for the clicks. There's nothing unique about whatever he says in that F3 video, he makes things purely to be a contrarian and drive up views. That's why he...
  10. Blastwave Dave

    Ideas for new Fallout threats

    In my own work I've come up with an idea for a subterranian faction not entirely unlike The Institute. An organization that has technology akin to weather manipulation, they cause massive Dust storms that flood an area with oppressive radiation and scrambles radio signals. They use this to send...
  11. Blastwave Dave

    Rageaholic Review/Critique of Fallout New Vegas

    Chris and Hbomb are clear examples of how you can find success on youtube even if you put zero effort into your 'analysis'. The only decent video essay style YouTubers I've found recently is Warlockracy. Guy does excellent playthroughs/analysis videos on all kinds of stuff. Chris Davis, Joseoh...
  12. Blastwave Dave

    Am I in the minority when I say I'm not bothered by Super Mutants in Fallout 3?

    Never bothered me that much, neither did the new take on The Brotherhood. I find them somewhat lazy though, you never really get insight into F3's mutants, they just exist to be orcs for enemy variety. Like most things Bethesda writes, theres potential, but everything is boiled down to shooting...
  13. Blastwave Dave

    Where's Society?

    When I think of Fallout 4 the only word that really comes to mind is 'lazy'. The total absence of society or meaningful conflicts doesn't even feel like a result of their insistence on making the world a perpetual post-nuclear hellscape with no advancement at all. It wasn't like they didnt try...
  14. Blastwave Dave

    Any great mods you would consider canon in the Falloutverse?

    Someguy is great for the most part and fits right into my idea of New Vegas. Bounties I is pretty weak but II is great, as are Russel and The Inheritance. III drops the ball with Marko but I appreciate what he was going for and considering how good everything is on the whole I can forgive it...
  15. Blastwave Dave

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    Reddit is a cesspit of circlejerking and groupthink, which isn't really a surprise since the site actively encourages only posting the 'right' opinions. You did well to leave, I use it exclusively for shitposting myself.