Search results

  1. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    I have Obidiah's dialog files integrated into the game. Problem is I can't trigger his dialog until after Sheriff Marion gives me the third quest. I will either need some time to level up or have some one send me a save file for him. Until then, it's been uneventful listening to my re-recorded...
  2. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod New voice for Cassidy

    Thanks for this. Should alleviate a lot of swearing.
  3. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod New voice for Cassidy

    Does anyone know where I can find a .DAT explorer that I can actually create the .dat files with? I am using version 1.43 by DIMS but it SUCKS for creating the .dat's. I can't delete folders / files so if I get something wrong, the .dat is screwed and I have to start over. It looks like there...
  4. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    What do you think the odds are of reaching out to Greg Eagles' (Sulik) booking agent to have him do Chieften for a charity case? For a whopping 14 lines of dialog... /s It'll be tough to find some one to match Sulik's tribe's dialect.
  5. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    So I was gearing up to have to write a script to do the .wav batch processing until I discovered Audacity macros... best thing in the world. Should make standardizing everyone's audio files so easy.
  6. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Ok, yeah I knew the background was a separate image, just didn't see that Goat had added it to the head. @Goat_Boy you can always make a new background and change the script to use it.
  7. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Also WTF is up with people's infatuation with Davin. He is the most requested character for sending voice samples. I guess because most of the volunteers are young adult males... Who knew that the cow-lover of Modoc would be so popular one day.
  8. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Really? I thought the backgrounds weren't bad, at least for the standard character list. But I haven't looked at the mod yet for Goat_Boy's heads.
  9. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    So my biggest concern is trying to convince the VA's to record each line of dialog separately, in it's own .wav file. Some characters have about 100 lines. If they aren't willing to do that, there will be a ton of post processing involved to separate the lines.
  10. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    I didn't think it would be this ... easy isn't the right word, but quick. But I also stayed up super late for a few nights in a row getting it done... and I still have some scripting to do to help batch process all the files because we are dealing with thousands of lines of dialog so it isn't...
  11. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    We are up to 41 different people that have come forward with interest in VA'ing multiple characters. Going to be listening to tons of auditions at this rate.
  12. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod New voice for Cassidy

    Yeah, I've edited plenty of YT videos in my time for a separate car-based channel that I run, so I am comfortable with editing tools. Just trying to dial in the screen record settings when playing the game. Videos are definitely the best way imo to show a process like this. The most complex...
  13. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod New voice for Cassidy

    @QuantumApprentice all I really have to demo for the script is the end product. Below is a Marcus lip sync I put together to test robustness against singing but synthesized voices are harder to perform phoneme extraction on. Was planning on videoing the process I use when I've completed all the...
  14. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod New voice for Cassidy

    @.Pixote. There isn't much to show. The process consists of: 1. Running a python script (Penn Forced Alignment, open source which I found online) to do the phoneme extraction from the wav to a .grd file. 2. (Optional but recommended) Review the extracted .grd phoneme timing in Praat (also...
  15. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod New voice for Cassidy

    I just found this thread and wanted to leave a couple comments: First off I created a seemingly way better tool for doing the lip extraction for fallout. Minimizes the amount of manual adjustments that need to be made. I plan to publish the tool after we complete work on the project in my next...
  16. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    We got Cassidy's original voice actor on board to re-record himself. Excited for this project and to work with him.
  17. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 utility Femics Fallout 2 Modding Guide

    @Femic If I end up publishing my lip sync tool and the other various support scripts I have then I'd love to have a section on lip sync / talking heads added to the how to. I know you already have the section on creating artwork, to my knowledge automated generation of .LIP's is new and I'm the...
  18. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Gotchya, might have to consider it depending on how many volunteers we end up with for VA. Right now I am in the throes of writing a script to auto extract dialog lines for an NPC. parsing the gsay lines out of the .ssl files has proven a tad trickier than I had hoped. Simply looking at the...
  19. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    I don't need the files, I already downloaded your full mod to begin development.
  20. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    So I was looking through the list of updated scripts / heads to pick out some characters I wanted to try voicing. Might have gone a bit overboard, haha but here's what I am going to take a crack at: Klint the guardian of the temple I will re-record his lines to get cleaner audio Dog Meat...