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  1. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    The plan would be to append it to a separate section of the credits yep. Not sure if / how the rpu credits are implimented yet. And amazing job on the heads! I'm excited to voice act a couple more charactera for you! Are they all complete with the mouth frames?
  2. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Oh, and I'll see if I can go about modifying the credits. If it's straight forward to do we can add credits for the voice actors. Once your latest update goes out I'll take a look at the current npc list and see if there's any others in the current pool that I'd like to act for you. I'm hoping...
  3. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    I may re-record him then if you liked the voice acting. My mic is fairly decent (one of the blue snowalls), I just had the backround noise from my PC fans (running 10 in my cube case, haha), and want to have a bit of sound dampening going so it doesn't sound like I am in a building.
  4. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    So I am going to say that we are officially open for voice acting applicants for your mod @Goat_Boy . For now I will support generating the required files, testing them, and providing them to you to integrate into the mod. Eventually once I can put more work into the scripts to help further...
  5. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    I was pointed to one called Lyrebird AI. We could deffinetely auto synthesize it but to be honest, I prefer the idea of voice acting. For 1) you can change the tone of your voice easily and make certain inflections in speech to give the character more personality. 2) People enjoy (myself...
  6. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Gentlemen (and ladies), I present Klint, fully (and semi-poorly) voice acted by myself, art work provided by @Goat_Boy. Total time from starting to record voice acting lines to running the demo was about 2 hours, and that includes some mucking about with the wav files to fix an audio playback...
  7. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Managed to work out how to integrate the speech files into the .MSG's / scripts so I've pretty much got everything I need to start getting klint talking. Already got him singing the same song above ^ using Marcus's modified files so now all I have to do is record a few lines of dialogue for him...
  8. Black_Electric

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Been listening to this all night as part of a lip-sync script I've been working on for mod authors. I think marcus sang it better:
  9. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    I couldn't resist doing another one. I wanted to evaluate the robustness of the tool against song vocals. Singing is much harder to get the phoneme extraction for and so it required some hand editing. (The last demo extracted perfectly, singing just distorts the syllables + the fast tempo means...
  10. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    It's not quite vanilla but yeah, if you wouldn't mind giving me an overview on your time. Probably going to take a break for a couple days then maybe start on Klint over the weekend.
  11. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    I don't know how to do this yet which is part of the reason why I wanted to get a hold of one of your npc's to get familiar with adding them and then how to integrate the speech. Unfortunately the speech synth technology wasn't nearly as farly advanced as it is today. I used a readily...
  12. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    @Goat_Boy I'll take the assets (.frms / anything else you may have) for Klint if you don't mind. I'll work on voice acting his lines and start adding the batch process capability for multiple files at a time Would ultimately like to be able to auto-extract all lines of dialogue into individual...
  13. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Welp, I managed to slap together a first demo of the automatic lip sync generation... looks like Hakunin votes democrat. Please forgive me for the absolutely shit video quality, I need to adjust the screen grab settings for fallout 2 and do a better demo later. Was stumped for quite some time...
  14. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    You won't actually see / need the waveform visual. That's from Praat which I used to analyze the phoneme timing extraction against the sound file. My end goal here is to just have the voice actor's .wav and the NPC's dialogue .txt files and batch process it through a script to auto generate the...
  15. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Big progress this morning. Managed to finally get the forced alignment script running. Ran it on the sound file for a certain sergeant we all know and love. Below is a visualization of the phoneme extractions with the time stamps for each sound on the left. I can use the extracted .grd file to...
  16. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    Alright I'll try again.
  17. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    So initially started off about this all wrong. Was trying to find any sort of library that could do straight phoneme extraction from the file alone but determining that sort of sequence from an audio file by itself is the study of many PhD papers and the couple of API's out there don't work that...
  18. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    And I don't have an artistic bone in my body which is why I prefer to work the back end, haha. I'll leave the art creation to others with a more creative hand.
  19. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Yeah I'll need some time to get the proof of concept working. I found an API that supposedly marks time stamps for each of the phoneme's in an audio file. Will need to evaluate how well it ID's the sounds and timing, that will be the hardest part. Plan for tonight is just to evaluate the .acm...
  20. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    I'm curious if Black Isle used a speech synth or hand did these. I don't imagine speech synthesization was very good back then, but some of the phoneme sequences were a bit wierd. Tired of listening to Frank Horrigan's sound files at this point to identify sound codes, lol. Marcus comes in as...