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  1. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    I don't often use discord so I may just be missing something here but the discord link doesn't seem to work. "No text channels."
  2. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Update: I've managed to fully document the list of phoneme codes on the wikia page. The previous author only worked out the FRM frames but with the Phonemes now documented, it makes it possible / easier to generate the LIP files: Next step is...
  3. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    @Goat_Boy that's great if you already have the .frm's competed. Including the *p.frm's? I don't think I should need the sprites, I'm just going to try and do a proof of concept using Klint outside of the temple of trials, with Sulik's frm's and some crappy voice recording by me. The idea would...
  4. Black_Electric


    I'd agree. Yes, voice acting certainly helps and adds to the personality but I don't think it NEEDS to be there to make a character memorable. In this day and age though, with modern graphics if an NPC isn't voiced it's a bit awkward imo.
  5. Black_Electric


    To be fair, while I do actually like VA for the protagonist, I would much rather time be spent expanding the dialogue options because having only four responses each time is bullshit, especially when you have no idea what they are going to say. It would be easy enough for bethesda to put in an...
  6. Black_Electric


    I actually kind of liked the VA'd protagonist. Sure maybe some of the lines were a bit awkward but always enjoyed listening to the delivery of the sarcastic lines.
  7. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Guess I know where to start... just wish the engine were updated to use a more modern audio format. Will have to generate the face sequences based off the .wav file before it's converted to .acm. EDIT: @Goat_Boy are you maintaining all of the artwork files in case I could get this working? The...
  8. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Would it be difficult to just code a tool to perform the lipsync extraction? Would just need to analyze the audio recording vowels and automatically generate the sequence. Speaking from ignorance here because I don't know how the speech recordings are formatted yet for the game.
  9. Black_Electric

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    I've found english versions of songs originally done in a foreign language never sound as good. I'll name Suerte (Whenever, Wherever) by Shakira as an example. And no I'm not afraid to admit I listen to Shakira, after all those hips don't lie.
  10. Black_Electric

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I'm sorry dave, I can't do that.
  11. Black_Electric


    The animated dialogues / cut scense deffinetely seem improved / less rigid. I'm moreso interested in this game to see how it may influence future Fallout / ES releases.
  12. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    If I ever find time outside of my other projects maybe I'll give take a crack at it. Love the work you've done so far!
  13. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod Mutants Rising...

    How big is the team that's still working on it, it sounds like you are still looking for additional help? I may be interested in stepping in and lending a hand but I need to get more familiar with how the game scripts work and the language they are coded in. Have more of a background in VBA /...
  14. Black_Electric

    They're wondering where their username has gone off too.

    They're wondering where their username has gone off too.
  15. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Right, well aware it's a big task to complete which is why I figured if anything it would be a long term plan. The work so far has been great though, looking forward to replaying the game with the latest updates.
  16. Black_Electric

    Noted, if I decide to try Shirataki noodles I'll stock up on tums.

    Noted, if I decide to try Shirataki noodles I'll stock up on tums.
  17. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    @Goat_Boy is there long term plans to eventually add voice animations and find voice actors? Would love to help out on the project but still trying to get my feet wet with modding and I'm not the best animator / artist. But if you eventually need voice actors I'd be up to volunteering for a...
  18. Black_Electric

    Ouch, get well. Last time I had serious stomach pain was from food poisoning thanks to our local...

    Ouch, get well. Last time I had serious stomach pain was from food poisoning thanks to our local dominos, it's never fun.
  19. Black_Electric

    Car / Bike Thread - Anything with Wheels

    I bought the car in this state for $500 a few months ago to teach the GF how to drive stick. I'm not about to try and debug this further so long as the car still gets me from a to b, and at the emd of the day when the tranny finally kicks the bucket it'll be cheaper to just replace the entire...
  20. Black_Electric

    King Arthur is Gay

    This has nothing to do with the user on NMA, this is a historical debate thread on the historical accuracy of King Arthur's sexual orientation. I mean the man was obsessed with big swords so...