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  1. Black_Electric

    Car / Bike Thread - Anything with Wheels

    There doesn't seem to be any clutch slip, I think the syncro for 2nd gear may just be shot. I'm not done with this tranny yet, she still owes me for all the fluids I've given her, teehee. Or him, who am I to judge.
  2. Black_Electric

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Well you are in the tornado alley of NMA right now. No one's holding you back from leaving the thread if you feel the weather isn't to your liking. It's just in my experience, yelling at tornadoes doesn't really do much to calm the chaos.
  3. Black_Electric

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    I think you are just in the wrong thread mate. There are other sections of the forum with more civil discussions but "The Thread of DOOM" is probably not one of those. I would just avoid topics/discussions like this one. Trying to call people out for what you see as behavioral issues probably...
  4. Black_Electric

    Car / Bike Thread - Anything with Wheels

    Believe me, the tranny fluid is flushed offten. Though surprisingly little shrappnel is extracted, so at least it seemingly isn't falling apart more than it already has.
  5. Black_Electric

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    I actually strongly agree with this. The capital wasteland is a location that should of (and did) happen. But with all the potential behind the setting, I don't think it's something bethesda should have dived head first into during an age where technology restrictions limited what you could do...
  6. Black_Electric

    Philosophy Thread

    Not sure if whether or not we have free will is all that important to begin with. At the very least, the illusion is there. I feel like I can make my own decisions and path in life. I can knock over that vase or crack open a can of beer whenever I (seemingly) please. And if that illusion is...
  7. Black_Electric

    Et Tu or FIXT

    I'll have to look into the Et Tu mod. Was looking at taking up modding the game so I can set my own custom difficulty tweaks. The idea of a Fo2 engine port for Fo1 sounds really appealing if only for the fact that it would allow pushing NPC's out of the way. I tire of Ian standing in doorways.
  8. Black_Electric

    Car / Bike Thread - Anything with Wheels

    I'm dailying around in the states with a 2002 manual civic from canada right now. 2nd gear is almost completely botched. It has mood swings, some days I can get second, other days I'm shifting directly to third and praying I can get up to freeway speeds on time coming up the on ramp.
  9. Black_Electric

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    I don't think this would be out of the realm of possibility. A tuning knob to adjust NPC enemy combat strategy, not just damage, or adding in additional objectives in a mission, or just turning off quest markers are all things that could be implimented. But unfortunately the money for the...
  10. Black_Electric

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    I found out I'm part Cherokee so I guess I'll start learning the language of my people. So far all I know how to say is 'pink donkey'.
  11. Black_Electric

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    My main issue (amongst many) with Fo4 and indeed, all of the bethesda installments, is quest markers. There's no exploration or search element to these games anymore, you're just following gps guidance at this point. Look, if a certain Moira Brown tells me to go search for medical supplies in...
  12. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 utility Femics Fallout 2 Modding Guide

    Absolutely amazing work! Been looking to get into the modding community myself. Have a bit of a background in scripting already, just figured there were additional tools to help unpack the .dat's and get started. Awesome guide!
  13. Black_Electric

    Mushroom MUSHROOM!

    Mushroom MUSHROOM!
  14. Black_Electric

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    In the words of many a snobby frenchman *probably*: "hauhauhau"
  15. Black_Electric

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Does the scale go lower than zero? Because that cartoonish facial hair is a -1.
  16. Black_Electric

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    Fans are fans. They may be terribly misguided, not willing to go outside the realm of bethesda-land, ignorant of the origins of the franchise, but I think you can still like Fo4 and be a fan. I myself personally like Fo4, I still think the originals were better. I don't think that anyone who...
  17. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    Super stoked! Getting me excited for another playthrough though I was thinking of doing a pacifest anthology run.
  18. Black_Electric

    Fallout 2 mod RPU - Talking Heads Addon

    How do you go about modding these games anyway? I'm sure there's documentation somewhere on this forum. I poked around at the game files but everything is binary / non-readable.
  19. Black_Electric

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Glad I joined late and never had to meet this man. Sounds like he really deserved the fag title. *hard g*
  20. Black_Electric

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Tempting us with a good time eh? Not sure that's going to work, might backfire on you.