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  1. Rheios

    Obsidian Announcement on 6th of December

    Hmmm....I am unsure what to think. This could either be a lot of campy, Borderlands with more RP, style fun *or* it could be lacking. I'm game for a shot but I'm going to wait to see some gameplay first. It *could* actually be intense and they were just showcasing some of the good ol' humor. I'm...
  2. Rheios

    Obsidian Announcement on 6th of December

    Argh, Obsidian, why did you put this out at the game awards? In other news, Yong Yea is amusing because of his palpable frustration and boredom for a lot of it.
  3. Rheios

    Fallout 76

    He's funny with his style, I'll give him that, but calling 76 even vaguely an RPG, even a bad one, just seems so poignantly inaccurate after the claim *could* have been fairly made against F4, but hardly against 76 that has only a fraction more relation to the genre than does COD - in that it...
  4. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    He probably doesn't know yet. In some fairness to him, when I say grindy games, I mean like the Diablo games or some survival games. All of which have had better production than 76. So at this point, I think its just the novelty. They keep that up though and that novelty will burn up quick...
  5. Rheios

    Obsidian Announcement on 6th of December

    With the even *newer* Bethesa fuck-up, I'm seriously thinking that tomorrow's showing could not be any better timed if it were actually planned.
  6. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    The favorite thing I've heard so far about this is from my friend (who is somehow enjoying 76, which confuses me but he likes grindy games and for some reason can't see why I'm so irked by some of their choices): “You guys said you wanted more meaningful moral decisions...”-Bethesda
  7. Rheios

    Why does Bethesda make everyone essential?

    Or Baldur's Gate, if you want it to be a bit humorous. Remember Biff the understudy? You could get Biff to join you if you offed certain companions. It was a gimmicky goof way of handling things but even it showed more cleverness than BGII or Bethesda, imo. Honestly the mentality and view that...
  8. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Wonder if 'The Quartering' will get some of his 'insiders' (or anybody from youtube that might be believable) to confirm any of it. From what he was saying on his video this morning it sounds like devs at Bethesda Maryland were confused at the reception to 76 - which if it weren't for even my...
  9. Rheios

    Fallout 76

    Apparently there's at least some sane people in the twitter thread reminding people 'hey, stop thanking them for doing their job right, *the third time around*'. Doubt they're convincing anyone though. Ah well, such is life. To play off of Sir Ghost's sig: We had to get bitter *somehow*. =P
  10. Rheios

    Fallout 76

    Sounds like they're going to send the real bags now. Which, if I was more paranoid, would make me wonder if this wasn't a shifty dodge. Make everyone pissed more about the bags than the game, give them something, and low they forget how mad the game made them because now you've done a 'sorry' or...
  11. Rheios

    Bethesda to use Gamebryo for Starfield and TES6

    Really the entire way they framed their 4-prong dialogue, "cinematic conversation" (where they keep cutting between the player and another), lack of attribute ties to interaction, and required voice acting all did more to get in the way of modders than anything else. Most didn't want to hassle...
  12. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Its because they're all, at best, action gamers. They wanted to make 3rd person diablo style games. Or at least Todd and Hines probably want that, but they came into a team that wanted to make RPGs - hell they had an actual RPG game designer making the games back during Morrowind and maybe...
  13. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    The funniest part of that? A fair few of his complaints, from textures to POS seeming like they were just using the Fallout name as a brand, can all be applied to Bethesda's Fallouts. You could replace most of his issues with Fallout 76 and still be pretty right.
  14. Rheios

    Fallout 76

    Ugh. I totally thought it was longer. But you're absolutely right as to why. Its because they turned every one of Bethesda's games into power-fantsy action explorers, and because they stick RPG on the box, now people who've never played another RPG prior think those things are how you define an...
  15. Rheios

    Obsidian announcing The Outer Worlds?

    The only thing that'd probably stop me from purchasing - other than the obvious scummy modern practices - is if the story's writing and pacing are terrible, a ton of voiced stuff (especially a heavily voiced player character. Not just the barks but full convos and such), and whatever...
  16. Rheios

    Fallout 76

    If I recall correctly Fallout 4 still didn't even fully achieve that. I think you could kill a few faction members every now and again and, so long as you waited and they weren't named or important, it'd let you slide. What's horrible though is I don't know if the times that was a bug or not...
  17. Rheios

    Obsidian announcing The Outer Worlds?

    Fingers crossed it'll be amazing. I've enjoyed pretty much all their games so far (Even Deadfire, barring some huge failures in pacing and telegraphing the amount of power you have) but I'd love for them to do something that's not just solid to good but a truly foundation rumbling. Also a bit...
  18. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    I can't lie, I totally read this in Hellsing Abridged Alucard's voice. "I am so close. I *need* to see it" I can only pray too many have reached the breaking point. The sheer *rage* on even r/Fallout, usually super pro-Bethesda, at people supporting them or even just 76 itself, for some...
  19. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Not yet, its not. You have to pay for that first and the private servers aren't out to let them. Once they release their rentable private servers, then modders and players will be filled with pride at their accomplishments in patching a broken game *and* paying to use it.
  20. Rheios

    Can we stop talking about Fallout 76 now?

    I'm moving beyond my ragejaculaiton and mad-laughter stages but sortof feel this weird mourning coming on afterwords. Its move passed infuriating, into funny, and now its just sitting with Skyrim and Fallout 4 in 'what might have been, if only someone competent and worthy owned you, oh...