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  1. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Want to know something super sad? I just had a discussion with someone who linked me to the full Vault Taggerdy-Maxson convo bs. And, beyond making Maxson out to be F3 reJesus and justifying Lyons - and all the problems resulting from them writing him to be this divine arguer and leader (instead...
  2. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    I didn't get the chance to watch this: earlier. It's not shocking, but damn. They didn't even fix a key binding method and just removed it. That's so lazy I wonder if it wasn't actually more work.
  3. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    I think the biggest damage done to the series of Fallout and TES is directly because no one at Bethesda likes RPGs. At least not anymore, slowly the devs who did trickled out and went into other things - like the lead dev on Morrowind that left after conflicts with Todd. Todd, by all...
  4. Rheios

    How is Fallout 76 an RPG?

    I think this: is probably my favorite example of where 76 failed to even be an RPG mechanically. Its double good because I think the guy's been weirdly positive about the game. Its like watching a man try and stay supportive of someone they openly admit has no character or ability and failing...
  5. Rheios

    From your question about the cards in 76, I think this guy a bit more supportively argues its...

    From your question about the cards in 76, I think this guy a bit more supportively argues its problems with the details of a person who played 76:
  6. Rheios

    Does Fallout 76 have a story?

    Poor people can still afford better than the Scorched. They're effectively the Marke Men with any fascinating history stripped away and replaced with Resident Evil 4's Las Plagas but dumber.
  7. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    I commented in another thread about this but nothing he argues from his supposed experience in 'game development' even really follows from the premise. His only real argument from that position is 'this is a test bed idea guys', and then catastrophically fails to explain why anyone should...
  8. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Oh man, as if I didn't have a headache today already, that thread is such a crystallization of what's wrong with people who pretend to play RPGs that it would have given me one. Don't read the writing? I can't even conceive it. I hated when my friend used to skip the friggin cutscenes in *Gears...
  9. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    One would hope so. It was their whole excuse for half the inbred hicks in Point Lookout. I don't care what sort of plague they used so long as they used it competently. If they'd used the New Plague though, they'd probably have said something absurd like 'FEV didn't cure the New Plague but...
  10. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Man, I couldn't even get 6 minutes into that video before arguing. Honestly, I was suspicious the moment he makes that shit appeal to authority. "I developed games". Doesn't mean anything, everything you said following your declaration draws nothing from that experience to support it beyond the...
  11. Rheios

    Fallout 76, just a cash grab we shouldn't worry about or something more sinister?

    I mean, that's not encouraging either. I couldn't bring myself to buy another Fallout 4 level product. It was a slog that I had to bleed in an attempt to find each moment of enjoyment out of (even on my first playthrough where I could actually claim occasional spirts of shiny novelty) and they...
  12. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    That's correct. (Although I'm late to the party) But even if weaponized viruses were a thing in other places doesn't mean they'd need to use the New Plague here (they probably should just for the conservation of story elements). Even if it were a new virus though, anything is better than being...
  13. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    Its sad because a weaponized plagues being made by a small military contractor as an alternative to nukes for the government to destroy China - and possibly specific local dissenters - with is so goddamn ripe for possibility as a plotline that to turn it into 'crystal zombies' is like watching a...
  14. Rheios

    Fallout 76, just a cash grab we shouldn't worry about or something more sinister?

    When Fallout 5 comes out, I predict it tries to do a D&D 5e thing, assuming TES doesn't do it first because Starfield fails. Where they try to make everyone happy, and manage to make something somewhat inoffensive, but still infected with lines of corruption that can be traced back to the sewage...
  15. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    I have twitter and facebook under other names, but mostly its just ears. Well, I also talk to some old friends but always privately. So far as the phone, I just don't see a need for it. Even texting seemed silly, although my friends also nagged me about it. I'm a Software Engineer. I'm at a...
  16. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    The Frankenstein's Monster analogy has a sort of layer of the ironic and appropriate to it - what with its fans wanting to kill Bethesda now for the continuation, and expansion even, of problems with that game. And @nkchan16 , its nice to hear someone else hasn't moved past flip phone that's...
  17. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    I mean Bethesda sent Yong Yea the collectors PA helmet and such after his negative reviews. I wonder if the smaller ones got equally "personal" gifts.
  18. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    The opinion on the actual material it comes from might be mixed here (it comes form Terry Goodkind's "Faith of the Fallen") but there's a quote exchange I like: "Would you try to forge steel while its cold?" "No, of course not. It has to be white hot" "So must men." Keep that anger. Infuse...
  19. Rheios

    The Brotherhood of Steel as a threat to an Independent Vegas

    And I think he's pretty well regarded as a shit Elder even by the failing BOS standards. Which is honestly pretty impressive. That man's obsessions really should have been a warning sign for miles, because of his apparent genius if not in spite of it. (And his failures and his mentat addiction...
  20. Rheios

    Most psychopathic character in New Vegas?

    I mean it *is*, in the context that they do little things - keep the rooms cold and extra oxygenated, use bright lights and familiar characters, and purposely apply extra noise, sound, lights, and congratulations to any win so that there's just that little extra endorphin high. You make games...