Search results

  1. Rheios

    The Brotherhood of Steel as a threat to an Independent Vegas

    It doesn't say, so far as I know, they get the full story or even can refuse an order, but the entire BOS is founded on the principle of revolution for the defense of humanity, the mere concept that a lower ranked officer - someone you trust - couldn't raise questions or resistance (You do...
  2. Rheios

    Most psychopathic character in New Vegas?

    The strips designed to encourage people to spend money. That's not even remotely new, hell, New Reno's not much different save for more drugs and murder, so its not like the concept of gambling being harmful is *new* to NCR members. House's strip is damn near wholesome. The only location where...
  3. Rheios

    The Brotherhood of Steel as a threat to an Independent Vegas

    I've never said ideas shouldn't change, or that things couldn't improve. Just that anything being billed as an improvement, as progress, should be vetted and reviewed and slowly and modularly instituted until long-term problems can be identified and corrected. We know better methods than...
  4. Rheios

    The Brotherhood of Steel as a threat to an Independent Vegas

    Progress should *ALWAYS* be questioned. Always vetted and opposed when found lacking or foolhardy. Otherwise, you get shit like what's happened to the Fallout franchise, all delightfully packaged as unquestioned 'progress'. (EDIT: Or 'change', I guess, because arguments always seem to conflate...
  5. Rheios

    Diablo Immortal - Very funny.

    Up until agreeing with canon, I can grok the argument - I know I've made more appeals and comments than I should instead of just checking out into ennui. I don't agree that earns a shit in the eye response, but I've been wrong before. That said, I don't think most of us treat Beth's stuff as...
  6. Rheios

    The Brotherhood of Steel as a threat to an Independent Vegas

    1. I tend to think all laws have a reason and a source. It's just not always a good reason. Sometimes the reason's even to have a law to use against people. I don't agree with the practice or concept but it does exist. Alternatively, sometimes the reason is good and the implementations are...
  7. Rheios

    The Brotherhood of Steel as a threat to an Independent Vegas

    It would have required every officer down the chain to be complicit with every order and everyone in the chain would have information on what exactly was done, when, where, and how - which makes it harder to hide things, which would have required an even larger number of people to be okay with...
  8. Rheios

    Most psychopathic character in New Vegas?

    That's fair, but I still think the way he talks to you and about you indicates an affection and care. Which isn't impossible with [whatever]paths, but seems strange to go from an employer-employee relationship to that without some sort of empathy involved on his part. People get addicted to...
  9. Rheios

    Diablo Immortal - Very funny.

    I...what? What we "deserve"? How does anyone in NMA deserve either 4 or 76? Fuck, there's war criminals I'd still suggest better games to just not to insult the medium.(This is hyperbole, but not as much as it should be) There's also already Fallout shelter, but I think you're implying something...
  10. Rheios

    The Brotherhood of Steel as a threat to an Independent Vegas

    Yeah, Blue laws had a rationale. They may not be an agreed upon rationale but they do tend to come about with reason. Whether that be religion, that one weird guy whose donkey cracked a tub and caused a black mold problem in the inn or trying to prevent the mistakes of your ancestors. They tend...
  11. Rheios

    There is only one god

    The bible mentions other gods, explicitly as lesser things to be ignored and unworshiped, pretty frequently ('You shall have no other gods before Me', 'our God is the God of gods, and Lord of lords', 'I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt' * '' . Beyond that, you're right...
  12. Rheios

    The Brotherhood of Steel as a threat to an Independent Vegas

    In the context of the BOS, I do think the rule makes sense. The idea originally was probably to help prevent any repeats of the inhumane experimentation/actions taken at Mariposa. Its likely there was a lot of 'I outrank you, take X people to Y' and 'I'll handle your superior, get to soldier'...
  13. Rheios

    There is only one god

    I mean, even the bible doesn't suggest there's only one god. Just that the Israelite God is greater than the other gods, being the one true God that is the one true source of everything. So far as personal belief goes, I tend to probably fall as some weird denomination of Christian - like most...
  14. Rheios

    Bethesda to use Gamebryo for Starfield and TES6

    Y'know, I've never watched Westworld, but from just that blurb it sounds about right. Even some of the critic reviews on 76 so far talk about how the game fits that. Each area is a little theme-park gimmick area. I've heard that about the New Vegas leak but haven't experienced it. So either a...
  15. Rheios

    Bethesda to use Gamebryo for Starfield and TES6

    I've said elsewhere and it boils down to this for me: If they were making actual, well made, expansive, choice driven RPGs? I wouldn't care that much about the engine save for them needing to hammer out some bugs. There's a reason games like Fallout and Baldur's Gate are still appealing to this...
  16. Rheios

    Most psychopathic character in New Vegas?

    Lanius did the dog thing in a war time situation. I think it was cruelty on a more Vlad the Impaler-esk cause->effect scale than anything he drew any sort of enjoyment from. So far as the enslaving people/lashing to crosses/killing cows/decimating legions thing, that seems to be just his...
  17. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    Okay, hard block on myself. Can't come into the thread. Your words are knives. How? How are they this bad at writing competently? I've played under first time DM/GM's who can spin a better story thread than that. It might be a bit obvious and linear but, god, at least they tend to be a little...
  18. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    Y'know, I had a similar argument. I'm almost tempted to dig up the name and see if it was the same person, but then I remember it wouldn't do any good. I wonder what they thought of the Enclave, if the East coast is magically faxing over X-01 schematics to the Oil rig (so much for privacy)...
  19. Rheios

    Fallout 76 Nukes Lore and Releases

    I saw the overseer video go up a bit ago and can't even bring myself to watch it. Reading that 76 terminal thread a bit was bad enough. I ranted for a bit but just deleted it. I'm with Ghost, I can't even be mad really. Its walking the same trails right next to park that got turned into a...
  20. Rheios

    Tale of Two Wastelands 3.2 release

    I mean, with this it's a lot easier to bring the games together, so now maybe more people will branch off from it to try and mod the two together. As in - fix the nightmare of F3 plot, now that there's an actual series of perks and RP mechanics in it, and adding a bit of rollover between the...