Search results

  1. Rheios

    Classic Fallout Games has better characters

    I think its all pretty heavily perspective, but I'd have to say I'd prefer convincing. Surprising is what you build up once you have convincing built, because that come from building the world and societies that inhabit it. Surprising by itself is almost the same as people who tout the benefits...
  2. Rheios

    Does Fallout 76 have a story?

    As far as I understand there is a plot thread in it. I'd strain to call it a full story, or at least any sort of personal story. TMU, having not played but pieced together vids, comments, and just obvious conclusions, its a series of holotapes and 'go here, kill this, hit button' style quests...
  3. Rheios

    I went back and read it myself last night. I think you're right. I was trying to be tepid...

    I went back and read it myself last night. I think you're right. I was trying to be tepid sounding but all the 'myself's, 'personally's, and abuse of commas really hurts it. I'll edit it and clean it up soon.
  4. Rheios

    50 Minutes of 76

    Similar stuff is happening to Diablo fans too most recently, but the manipulation just isn't going over as well or as subtly due to the breadth of the target. Its a new form of 'marketing' in a way. Or at least Zhakaron thinks so: Their completely childish attempt at securing F76 is offensive...
  5. Rheios

    Unpopular Fallout Opinions

    I've always thought that doing something with the Searchlight airport - say giving it to the Legion to mirror the NCR's own McCarren, as a secret solidified staging point with its own prisoners could be a valuable balance and explain even more of how the Legion patrols are getting past the NCR...
  6. Rheios

    Unpopular Fallout Opinions

    I tend to look on the F3 intro with some favor for Three reasons. 0) It was my introduction to the series, poor intro though it was, it lead me to FNV and then to the first two games and a love of the lore and heart of Fallout. 1) It was Bethesda's first real attempt with things and due to some...
  7. Rheios

    50 Minutes of 76

    The dumbing down is hardly even specific to Bethesda though. Hell, look at the state of the grandfather of RPGs - D&D. 5e's tolerable but only because the backlash to 4e was militant enough that Paizo saw money and hopped on it with Pathfinder and Wizards couldn't let it stand. Even with 5e...
  8. Rheios

    Its hardly revolutionary. Like I said, I ask more questions than anything. Most of them have...

    Its hardly revolutionary. Like I said, I ask more questions than anything. Most of them have obvious answers that I ask just to get other people asking the questions to themselves, and I'm hoping it doesn't come across as too hostile - just to maintain our purposes, but I'm slightly...
  9. Rheios

    Fallout 76 - My Impressions

    Hell, if I were you I might see if I can back out now and get the money back - assuming you paid for a preorder to see the tire-fire up close. We thank you for the sacrifice of your precious life hours, but there's no need to keep hurting yourself, or your wallet, on our account.
  10. Rheios

    Finally, *finally*, have up what I said I'd put up. I try to be a man of my word if nothing...

    Finally, *finally*, have up what I said I'd put up. I try to be a man of my word if nothing else. I'm not sure anyone will like the tact I took, or the attempt at leading questions to get them to freakin'...
  11. Rheios

    Fallout 76

    At least numbers 6, 8, 13, 18, and *maybe* 25 and 77 seem to be actually decent. As to the rest, I'm legitimately not sure those Street Artists have any idea what they were even given. Except for 9 and 11 I guess. They seem to know, although they seem way more 'Bethesda-like' so far as design...
  12. Rheios

    Fallout 76

    I stopped in to apologize to Einhander that I hadn't made my own thread on the Beth forum yet, because I said I'd try even though from his thread it seems like yelling into ether - I'm still writing it up and Election stuff took priority this weekend after a long work week - and I come in to see...
  13. Rheios

    Fallout 76

    On the first point, the problem is mostly from the continued lack of evolution from Bethesda. The Easter egg vs Lore break problem was solved in New Vegas with Wild Wasteland, which I think should be just an option to turn on instead of a trait but I digress, but like many things from New Vegas...
  14. Rheios

    Fallout 76

    I might need to make an account, but when I get a freer moment than it takes to type this then I'll give it a shot. I appreciate the jolt of positivity, but I'm even taking that with a shot of salt. I just can't help but become concerned if we make up a large enough market to court at all in...
  15. Rheios

    Fallout 76

    They haven't even added the factions being listed in. What we get, to my understanding of everything they've presented, is a bunch of recordings and documents that *imply* factions so that there's an excuse for why you can run around geared up like a policeman/fireman or why certain bases will...
  16. Rheios

    Fallout: New California - BETA is out!

    The weird 'tribal adopted turned football player' angle seems a bit strange and the Vault intro does seem like a heavy call back to F3's intro, but I'm a little interested to see how it plays if nothing else. Since it does seems like they did want to have some sort of choice. Worst that happens...
  17. Rheios

    Hell, it could *be* that and it'd hardly be inappropriate. One could, and probably should, just...

    Hell, it could *be* that and it'd hardly be inappropriate. One could, and probably should, just respond that you like positive change and haven't seen it. Thank you for the warm welcome
  18. Rheios

    Thank you! Hope to get a picture up soon!

    Thank you! Hope to get a picture up soon!
  19. Rheios

    Just joined today on 10/22, although I've lurked for a while.

    Just joined today on 10/22, although I've lurked for a while.
  20. Rheios

    Fallout 76

    Oh hey, in that vein: I'm genuinely not sure whether to laugh or not. I mean laugh at their weak way of saying "we put even less effort into this one and are leaving *even more* up to our community while we pretend to be competent"...