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  1. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Thank you) We hope you will like the game like art)
  2. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Hello, Mutants! It's DarkCrystalGames with great news! It's been a while time since we make the last update, but don't worry development don't stop for a day, and today we post our first after Kickstarter update! Encased Kickstarter Update #28: First rewards, new monsters and pre-order...
  3. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Thank you! you can follow our socials, we post all news in there: 1. 2. 3. 4.
  4. CRONUS Employee

    Encased: a post-apocalyptic sci-fi RPG

    Nope( but Ursula - mobile HQ unlocked.
  5. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    WE VERY CLOSE! Just one thousand more till SG3! 5 hours left to go! Can we crack another stretch goal before time runs out? Let's bite all the nails! New concept-art of Ursula
  6. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Hi there, we just launch AMA with Encased developers! Time to Ask Us Anything
  7. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Free play mode is FUNDED! We are getting closer to the stretch goal #3 Upgradable Mobile HQ Ursula! If you don't know what it is, check out KS Update #17 where it was first time introduced...
  8. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Check out our latest update: Encased #Kickstarter Update #24: 48 hours to go and the Fallen Fortress is Funded!
  9. CRONUS Employee

    Encased: a post-apocalyptic sci-fi RPG

    Thank you! No worries, just a tip is very helpful.
  10. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Thank you! We'll do our best! We sure that Encased become a great game!
  11. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    And we made it! Encased has gathered the necessary $100 000 on Kickstarter. We thank everyone who helped us. For every like, share and generous contribution!
  12. CRONUS Employee

    Encased: a post-apocalyptic sci-fi RPG

    Good game overview by Retcon Raider
  13. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Hi there! It’s again Dark Crystal Games. We have been hard at work for the past week and get a good bump. It’s really awesome because we already reach 95% of the main goal and more than 2000 backers ( 2194). We sure that Encased will be found, but we don’t intend to stop. We prepare for you many...
  14. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Hi there! How you may know we update regularly, uncovering facts and interesting details about our game and team. And here the new one: Encased Kickstarter Update #15: New social goal unlocked, livestream Q&A announced!
  15. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Only for this video, about the narrator of the final game we still not decided. Kickstarter take all our time and energy)
  16. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Hi there! As you may already know, we really enjoy involving our community into the Encased development. Now is a really important moment for us! We’ve shown the first gameplay video of the actual pre-alpha game build. And we really need the feedback on this video - from you, our community, our...
  17. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    It might be licensing sometimes, but what is more important also - the game and video of the game have a very different nature. In the game you may wander in the wastes for 20 minutes, by just looking at dark corners for secrets and loot. In the vids you need to show something really quick...
  18. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Hi! Thanks for reporting - I need to clarify - these both tracks are for Dev Vids, trailers etc - not fin-gameame music and ambient. In game music will be produced by the composer of Pathologic 2 - Mushroomer and will be way more in the line with OSTs of RPGs of erly 2000s. Please stay tuned...
  19. CRONUS Employee

    Encased - isometric RPG from St. Petersburg Kickstarted!

    Hi, thanks for your questions! We covered Random Encounters and info about Factions in two updates -