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  1. J

    New Fallout 2 animations (sniper, wakizashi, etc)

    Awesomeness. Please sir, can i have some more? :mrgreen:
  2. J

    New Fallout 2 animations (sniper, wakizashi, etc)

    Yes, they currently stand at 64 frames long which makes them a bit of a drag to do. But by all means, please do make the female set. It's only my limited time and energy that stopped me making them. I will make the bald dude set, however, once mr baldie is finished.
  3. J

    New animations 2

    I like Romans. More Romans! :D
  4. J

    Slavery Expanded re-released

    OK, i'm not sure why i moved my slavery questions away from this thread but i'm gonna move them back here from the 'Radiation' thread to avoid confusion. My question is: I want to make a new NPC critter i've made 'sellable' to slave buyers. How would i go about doing this?
  5. J


    Ok, i'm still working on this part and it's getting complicated. Flee_From_Dude works fine and does exactly what i want (i.e makes critter flee from the dude's tile) THe problem is it doesn't make the critter flee far enough. Here's the macro in command.h: #define Flee_From_Dude...
  6. J


    OK, new question please you helpful people: Should party_add(self_obj); make a critter follow the dude?
  7. J

    New Fallout 2 animations (sniper, wakizashi, etc)

    Not likely, TBH. No, unfortunately not. Honestly, I'm not a fan of the female animations and i very rarely play the female dude. I find her physique very unconvincing and way too ... feminine. For me, she only works as a 'Chitsa' style character (i.e. no combat/toughness ability - diplo...
  8. J

    New Fallout 2 animations (sniper, wakizashi, etc)

    Here's the 1.1 updated smoking animations for any and all who are interested. As usual, they have already been included in the RP and the MM. .................. Download here And the wiki page can be found here I also have inventory images, SFX, and the 'Smoker' Karma title and...
  9. J

    New animations 2

    You're getting better there Jotisz. Try animating the body a little more and, as Gaspard says a few more joints. He looks like he's got arthirtis. Keep it up.
  10. J

    Long Hair Dude

    Nice lateral thinking for FO1 there ...
  11. J

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Nice work guys. Bald Dude is in sight! :ok: