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  1. J

    Combat settings

    Interesting stuff Magnus. I had wondered the details of NPC AI behaviour. I almost always use 'stay close to me' as I end up running away so often, and most other settings lead to my companions charging off to attack whatever i'm high-tailing it away from. Which usually leads to their deaths...
  2. J

    Armoured talking heads

    Will do. If MIB88 will help me I might even be able to edit the RP 2.3 source files to get it working, and of course MIB will work it into the MM. Only Myron baby! left now - although unfortunately we never made metal, leather or jacket for him so i'll only do combat, ROBE, power and APA for...
  3. J

    Armoured talking heads

    Cassidy's all done:
  4. J

    Talking Heads

    Great, thanks Drobovik.
  5. J

    Armoured talking heads

    Thanks Nova. Extra frames for Myron. @NovaRain: in case this can't be scripted though normal means, can an sfall script tell the game to use user-defined FRMs for the companions talking heads when they wear different armor? And even different voice files?
  6. J

    Armoured talking heads

    Nope. Can you link it? Ok here's Sulik. Feeback is welcome but i'm not going to be changing much beyond details at this point. Obviously I didn't make the APA, and the metal armor is not my work. Question: Am i correct in thinking that once you've recruited a companion...
  7. J

    Talking Heads

    Anyway - just to reiterate: Drobovik - If you're still around and know who made the Lara metal armour from earlier in this thread let me know please.
  8. J

    Talking Heads

    Ooops! Good call Magnus... but hey, if the city of Dobrovnik is willing to help that would be great also. :)
  9. J

    64 bit compiling

    Ah yes, i'd forgotten about that. I'll give it a try.
  10. J

    64 bit compiling

    I'm unable to compile scripts (through FSE) because i recently upgraded to a 64 OS (Win 7). Is there a 64 bit version of DOS4GW? Or some other solution? Thanks guys.
  11. J

    Talking Heads

    Hey Dobrovnik, if you're still around, who made the Lara in metal armor? Would they be interested helping with Armored talking heads for the FO2 RP?
  12. J

    Armoured talking heads

    Pixote! The man who can. Glad you're still around these boards. NMA has quite a cool, unique community amongst the wild interwebs. Yes, that's exactly what i've been going for. You know, I actually already did sulik in PA years ago, and then discovered recently i've 'lost' the FRMs. Oh...
  13. J

    Armoured talking heads

    Ah, MIB! Glad to see you're still around. These boards seem quiet these days. Ok, well, that's good to know that it's easy to do. My idea for the voice files is this: I was recently experimenting with running suliks voice files through a filter to make him sound like the Navarro drill...
  14. J

    Armoured talking heads

    I'm going for the gravedigger perk here! I'd like to polish off my NPC mod by adding armoured TH's into the game. But first I want to prototype it. So my question is: how so I make the game use a different head for Sulik when he's in different armor? Is it also possible to change the voice...
  15. J

    Combat leather jacket animations

    This is some really excellent work mouse_cz. I've always been a big fan of the combat leather jacket so it's great to see you bring it to life. Let us all know when you finish it - I for one will start a FO2 RP run soon and would love to have these new animations included. :clap::clap:
  16. J

    By the time of New Vegas, will forests have returned to the world?

    There are alpine forests quite similar to your pictures around Jacobstown in NV.
  17. J

    The state of videogames

    I would say HL1 was the first awesome FPS. Sure there was Doom, Wolfenstein etc before HL1 but they were a bit sketchy. HL opened up the FPS genre - and boy did it explode and go on to dominate the games industry excessively.
  18. J

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    Too right - xcom looks absolutely AWFUL by todays standards but still plays like a dream. But I should elaborate - when i say W2 looks past-gen I don't necessarily mean textures, models, lighting etc so much (though they are a bit sub-standard as you say). Let me be more specific - one of...
  19. J

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    Well that sucks because Project Eternity is only 4 mil budget! Waaaahh! :( So does anyone know what the budget of vegas was? Or FO3?
  20. J

    Obsidian's Project Eternity

    Is 3 million a small budget for a video game? I just googled New Vegas to find out it's budget and drew a blank ... I know next-to-nothing about video game budgets. And I thought Wasteland 2 was almost finished?