Search results

  1. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Nice find Glovz. That explains alot. I'm inclined to agree with Continuum - to me it seems like they literally just did what what Glovz did: googled 50's california police uniforms and made a critter model of it!! Bad art directing. Hence the very dubious new critters in FO2. Man, someone...
  2. J

    Vault Boy pics for the Hero Appearance Mod

    Excellent work Xavier. :ok:
  3. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    You're awesome Darek. I play Ironman so run the caravans alot as it significantly increases your survival rate with a bunch of 'extra life' caravan guards around so you can put them between you and that SMG armed robber ;) I can confirm all of the bugs Darek listed about the 'stand in'...
  4. J

    Your Favourite Fallout game?

    FO2 for me. While I love FO1 for it's tight design, I suspect it's more popular than FO2 on NMA mostly just because it was the first. The only criticism I ever hear about FO2 is the excessive pop culture and IMO that's pretty small in comparison to FO1's gameplay issues.
  5. J

    New animations 2

    Much needed pix. Great idea. You know, in my recent playthrough, i've noticed that so many critters offsets need work in the vanilla animations. There's alot of 'jumping' between animations due to the first and last frames not being identical. It would be a noble project! ;)
  6. J

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    But what does it mean?!!? :scratch:
  7. J

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Yup. I agree. It's silly in both games that you can walk into people's rooms/houses and rifle through their stuff. BIS were aware of it, however, as evidenced by the dialogue with Renesco where you can actually say something along the lines of 'oh, i spend most of my time going into peoples...
  8. J

    Who can making Eastern Brotherhood Advanced Power Armor MOD

    Too right. Well said Pix. Without you, x'il, the Long hair dude and bald dude never would've got done, not to mention your other awesome critters. It does seem FO modding has gone into downtime recently. Maybe everyone's playing FO:NV? (I've been one of them, on and off, for the last few...
  9. J


    Uh, thanks Palmerwind. So, can anyone help with my problem? I probably didn't make my question clear - so here it is again. Essentially, i think it boils down to my sfall global variables not being saved in the savegame data. If i quit my current game, and load a differernt one (or start...
  10. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    That did it, thanks Mash. I re-patched the .exe with your mod and it works fine. I must've replaced the exe at some point in my modding endeavours and forgotten about it.
  11. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    No - it doesn't happen with the car. Only on foot. I'm running at 640x480. I'm aware if i upped the resolution it'd probably solve the problem (as i'd be able to see more of the map) but i any changes i make to Mash's .ini file for the hi-res patch don't make any difference. Am i missing...
  12. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Ha! Awesome. :clap: I have a few bugs to report - my first and only - 1) When i enter the EPA entrance map on foot, the scroll blockers stop me scrolling to get the exit-grid on screen. This is pretty bad of course as it means I'm trapped in the EPA and can never leave! When i open the...
  13. J


    Nice. Good stuff Pix.
  14. J


    Ok, I've actually managed to make set_critter_stat work as i want to. So no need for the drug approach. Now there's one final problem in my script before it's 100%, and i need some help identifying it: /* SFALL GLOBAL SCRIPT: gl_rest_test0.ssl Desc: Script that calculates PC's...
  15. J

    Original FO/FO2 Polymeshes

    Great work Rain Man. I dig your style... :ok: You've captured the slightly 'cartoony' style of the FO models.
  16. J

    Talking Heads

    Good work Jotisz. You're getting much better at 3D modelling. Keep it up.
  17. J


    Ok, thanks for the advice, Lexx and Glovz. I'm suprised there isn't a simple way to script stat changes. But once i'd trawled through the game scripts searching I realised there isn't. :( I'll play around with the drug strategy, and post my results...
  18. J


    Does no-one know how to script a change in the dude's stats then script them to change back to normal?? :( I trawled through all the scripts searching the set_critter_stat command but couldn't find what i needed. IIRC, timeslip had trouble with this with his/her weather mod where storms...
  19. J


    Ok, It would seem the probably was tied up with the savegame i was loading from. When i start a fresh game the script seems to work in game and mapper.... so far, anyway. I haven't really worked on the slave mod recently. I got the slaves running away nicely (i'll look up the exact code if...