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  1. J

    Talking Heads

    Cass's new head looks awesome. Excellent detail. Would you consider rendering him in the different armors, Continuum?
  2. J


    Can anyone (lets face it - probably Lexx) tell me why a script that works perfectly in the mapper won't run at all in-game? I've attached a simple script to useable beds. Works great in the mapper, but in-game won't budge. Any ideas?
  3. J

    Karma from killing

    True, but the childkiller perk is bad news for NPC's and quests. Quite how everybody knows is a mystery of course. Thanks Lexx - that did the trick. I've simply made robbers and highwaymen etc neutral rather than evil. Will playtest.
  4. J

    Karma from killing

    Having realised that robbers, highwaymen etc give the player approx +5 karma each when killed, I now realise why it's so hard to make an evil character (i.e negative karma) For every evil quest's negative karma gain, it's pretty much immediately cancelled out (and some) by the endless hordes...
  5. J

    New Fallout 2 animations (sniper, wakizashi, etc)

    What's the question exactly? If it's "can i add new animations without replacing dude animations" then the answer is yes - you need to get F2wedit by cubik, find out the new prefix letters under the animation drop-down (that were added by timeslip) and then simply add the new prefix letter to...
  6. J

    Is it possible to mod in fleeing into random encounters?

    I'd say this is a great idea. I'm sure a global script could handle it, and if you need scripting help i'm sure Pelicano could give you a few pointers as he's a master of globals. But alot of players like their easy kills an don't want the game to be challenging so i would imagine it...
  7. J

    NPC Armor

    That's a good idea. Be my guest :mrgreen:
  8. J

    NPC Armor

    I won't be making them. The main problem there is that Lenny is one of the oft-criticised 'stiff' critters along with Vic and Myron that were made for FO2. That makes it more likely he'd get overlooked when it comes to makeovers.
  9. J

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    awesome, lionxavier. You've got real talent there, man. I love the pose I love the faces I love the hair The only thing i think is off with the bald dude is that he looks mean. Vault boy is always smiling (well, mostly) :clap: :salute:
  10. J

    The Redhead Thread

    Absolutely fantastic, lionxavier. You really nailed her. She's cute, but not too sexy so as to be distracting from the fact that she's the chosen one. :clap: :ok: Awesome work. I prefer the one above. I don't think the hair shine adds much. Looking forward to your take on the the bald dude.
  11. J

    Talking Heads

    Nice! :ok:
  12. J

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Your characters arm is crippled :roll:
  13. J

    Frame Animator Source Code

    This was discussed briefly at one point. I've never seen Jochua on NMA, unfortunately. It would also be very usefull to be able to load 2 seperate FRM's to be able to match the offsets.
  14. J

    NPC Armor

    With difficulty. Unless you know the basics of FO modding, i would recommend just going with the RP, and just disabling any new content.
  15. J

    Weapon drop mod

    There should be no compatibility problems with the RP. It should work fine. You MUST have sfall installed (which you will have if you're using the RP) I will take a fresh look at the script soon and re-release this mod.
  16. J

    Talking Heads

    Nice paint-over, man. I rather like this head. It has character and seems quite fitting for the character of Jo. Good work man.
  17. J

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Excellent. The Road Warrior is so damn good (and possibly the key influence on FO) Nice!
  18. J

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    :oops: Too much time modding and not enough time playing. I'm sure you know what i mean, Killap ;)
  19. J

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Awesome-ness, guys. Just awesome. And i know how much work that was so all i can say is :salute: and :clap: I never thought even the Long Hair Dude would be possible a year ago. And now look! No less than 3 playable dudes! I'm sure he's dead-on and i'm looking forward to playing him soon...
  20. J

    New animations 2

    If you use Titanium Browser, open up an .FRM, and right-click on the image. You'll get a save-as gif option, and you should be good to go.