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  1. Continuum

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    MR (Mutants Rising) is a total conversion mod for Fallout 2.
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    New animations 2

    How about not cloning the same head over all frames, see here: But with broken anims (coz there's no source for copy&pasta), and broken anims = not original graphics.
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    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Not different, but better. But of course, everyone is entitled to his own opinion.
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    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Not fill, but reduce (+ few small details close to the walls) ;) I'll repost quick example I've made for MR forums: (we already discussed this issue over there)
  5. Continuum

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    I see no atmosphere in void, and pointless spread out. Thanks to it, lack of variety of artwork, and that "fake" perfection this location feels out of place since very first play-through to me. And I'm not playing Fallout in other resolution than default, by the way.
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    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Same here. Some totems, <s>stone heads</s> sculptures, and half naked dudes would remind me of Suckroyo, and its cliche portrait of <s>primitive</s> low-tech societies. Besides, this map is ok. There are far more shitty maps that needs fixing...
  7. Continuum

    New animations 2

    Keep up the good work, Geras :clap:
  8. Continuum

    Tim Cain joins Obsidian Entertainment

    I'd love to see him working on Troika's PARPG, instead of Bethesda's reimagined(tm) Fallout.
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    New animations 2

    I don't know Lexx. All I've seen about critter editing was Pixi tutorial, showing "standard" editing. So I thought would be worth a mention about it.
  10. Continuum

    New animations 2

    Of course, it is. But instead of doing recolor NO.4930 (they seem uber popular, and I don't get what is so cool about them :scratch:) maybe someone will pick up something more valuable :shrug: As for editing: edit stuff on layered PSDs, instead of working with Frame Animator project (both...
  11. Continuum

    New animations 2

    These kind of NPCs would be great (give them weapon anims there's a source for): They're looking more unique than some recolors, IMO.
  12. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Yes. No problemo. Few days ago been thinking how to alter/recycle artworks from silly special encounters... like doing Glow like hole (some sort of entrance) from that fucking UFO :lol: But final conclusion was: it's better to get rid off them, since nothing interesting is there. Indeed. I'd...
  13. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    I'd need to be completely blind to imply stuff like this. Maybe the most famous ripper and flipper will take a look at it in the near or distant future. Some original artwork based mini lakes would be nice... I wish you luck then :salute:
  14. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Isn't better to flip this, Surf? ;) It's shame waste it for silly shit like this.
  15. Continuum

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Isn't this related to hardcoded number of scripts you can add (like tile limit)? And the problem sounds like engine having difficulties with processing too many scripts. I hope it's not true, or I'm wrong, or I don't know what I'm talking about ;) This. Also, I don't buy direction on drop...
  16. Continuum

    New Loading/Splash Images (and other cool post-apoc art)

    That's great! Original is always better, for sure. Thus No.3 isn't valid anymore. That was some side effect of No.1, and since original 640x480 does exist, no point of wasting time on it.
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    New Loading/Splash Images (and other cool post-apoc art)

    What do you think about my (not blurry) 640x480 version? - logo is ripped (and flipped) from GOG wallpaper (a post nuclear roleplaying game is gone), - comic front page is ripped (and flipped) from 1600x1200 wallpaper, - background is ripped from SPLASH1.RIX, - "worn" like surface is...
  18. Continuum

    New Loading/Splash Images (and other cool post-apoc art)

    I'm familair with three of them. They only slapped logo over there (rip with small amount of flip). 1) generic post-apoc image you can google, 2) generic post-apoc image you can google(?), 3) Ghoul is copy&pasta'ed. I've got more stuff from original author of it. All are set in Russia...
  19. Continuum

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    It doesn't fit with the setting. I like metal, so Fallout soundtrack must sound like this. I like German WWII tanks, so Fallout should have one "Panther". I like German StG44, so Fallout must have this rifle too. etc. IIRC, one of designers liked Desert Eagle thus this weapon...
  20. Continuum

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Well, to me it's not a new item. It's a modification/improvement of existing one, like Turbo Plasma Rifle. Of coz, this kind of stuff should be hard to find/player should meet certain requirements to obtain it (reward for quest, etc.). I'm fine with one, two, or three new, improved firearms. I...