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  1. Continuum

    Your Favourite Fallout game?

    Perhaps... First Fallout game I ever played was Fallout 2... being 1st or 2nd isn't any factor for me :shrug: Half of Fallout 2 is basically unplayable for me (goofy shit of epic proportions), so Fallout wins in how big the game is category anyway :shrug: Indeed. Fallout 2 was the beginning...
  2. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Fatmobile: It's smaller (90% of original).
  3. Continuum

    Question: How to make proper shadows for scenery obcjects.

    Transform (CTRL+T) your object into a shadow... a real quickie:
  4. Continuum

    Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

    Think about completely custom/unique ones too ;) I think it's not possible to avoid this. Unless you'll start removing edges to fit perfectly into the tile template. Anyway, this isn't a problem in PS to take the screenshot and adjust template to it. But that tool Pixi wants must somehow...
  5. Continuum

    Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

    Keep in mind that you must reflect in-engine situation. Tiles aren't scenery, Frames Offset is always 0,0. You can't change that. You can adjust scenery as much as you want, but not the tiles. So you must know exact placement of them. I needed to take a screen shot and transfer their position to...
  6. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Of course, there must be something in the middle, and I'm sure there is. My point was: bigger can afford for more, smaller can afford for less, perhaps I wasn't clear enough, my bad. As for healthy recycling assets in normal productions: I've seen this in practice. In theory I was uber happy...
  7. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Yes, I do. It's wishful thinking to believe that big publishers money saved on recycling will spend on new/better/whatever, free game content. No way. Either cash will go into the pocket, or to DLCs you must pay for :shrug:
  8. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    I'd call it greed/laziness/quick cash/etc. Not a problem, but difference in budget and resources :shrug:
  9. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Gfx has the same value as story/dialogues/sounds. Great story can be ruined by shitty gfx, just like great gfx can be ruined by shitty story :shrug: Gfx is the game content too. Recycling it is a cheap, lazy way to cut development cycle, for example, which means even moar $$$ in the wallet...
  10. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    The same shitty(?) engine, the same assets. Just like Fallout 2 - mod, perhaps done by industry, but still a mod. It's a daylight robbery to sell stuff you already bought as a new game!
  11. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Why not to steal it from Fallout 3 mod you need to pay for... :shrug: -----------------------------------EDIT On a side note: this cop car is more setting-wise than VB's one. Someone finally did a homework right.
  12. Continuum

    Omega Power Armour sprite

    Stunning work, Darin! :clap:
  13. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Can't really tell... All vehicles were sitting in one file, thus I painted something on the 1st truck, next on 2nd one, then on the car, I returned to 1st truck, next to the car, in the meantime I was painting boat, or doing other not Fallout related stuff, etc. Great production pipeline, isn't...
  14. Continuum

    Medieval/fantasy graphics?

    Yeah, Fallout supposed to be like Arcanum, or any other banal boring fantasy crap fest but something went wrong... Fix it. Now. Hi hi hi. :cookie:
  15. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Her Lexx is absolutely right in both cases. First and the most important - mesh went to hell. Second - painting, on the plain mesh (no textures at all) is time consuming and those small details are pain in da arse too. So one direction per version/mesh/whatever is reasonable solution (lesson...
  16. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Test it (drive it?) and tell me what do you think. Brum brum brum... ----------------------------EDIT It's not abandoned. It's someone else fully functional and armoured vehicle. Rusty wreck could sink very fast. That person spent a lot of time to make it running, obviously. Just...
  17. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Then everything is :ok: Yes, the boat is in good condition, armoured, nucular powered and ready for patrol :salute: Perhaps engine is slightly too large, but you may consider it as Power Armour within the engines - oversized, bulky and giving a lot of power! I can't do too much without...
  18. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Totally new could be a truck, with box cargo, done as home with big badass sign: PRIVATE PROPERTY! How-very-junk-y. Something like this crossed my mind yesterday... + source file is still floating on one-click-web-hosting service. That was a main reason for doing tons of rust on the subbie's...
  19. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    I think, I'm done with recycling of Van Buren stuff. I think, it's better to leave it as it is now. Everything plays nicely together - noise, oversaturation, etc. There's no original artwork around... :shrug: But if you want to fix whole scene - feel free to do it, Pixi. It doesn't fit, just...
  20. Continuum

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Boat has joined to small family of scenery stuff I'm happy with... thus is safely sitting inside of psd file. It's up to you, Pixi. Chances for it are close to zero. Not to mention that I can't access underwater part of the sub, without psd file where this was done, and this file went to...