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  1. F

    Submarine Mod

    But you have already made costum walls and even a working submarine interior door, as you showed early in this thread. Would be a tremendous waste if they didn't get used, especially as they look fantastic.
  2. F

    Submarine Mod

    ^^Indeed it would be a great shame to see this project come to nothing! :(
  3. F

    About fallout endings:thank you killaps!

    I really like your ideas for an improved ending to the deathclaws in Vault 13. I always felt it was a shame you couldn't do anyting about them getting wasted. However, I think the talking deathclaws aren't very popular in the fan community so I doubt such an alteration would ever get made.
  4. F

    Submarine Mod

    I just wanted to say that, regardless of how you end up resolving the access to the sub, the latest version of the boat is by far the best looking fan created graphical content for Fallout that I haver ever seen! Great work and thanks for doing this!
  5. F

    Can you finish the game without big guns or energy weapons?

    Shame there is so little ammo for this thing in game. But I agree its a fun rifle. I also like the H&K G11E, although it also suffers from the lack of ammo but apart from that its a lot of fun.
  6. F

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    I took a look at the thread you pointed out. The artwork produced by yourself before the project colapsed looks terrific. A real shame that nothing came of it. :(
  7. F

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    But are rounded parts really nessecary? couldn't you just show a cutaway of the sub's middle part with a manhole to climb through for the entry point? You know similar to how they displayed the Tanker at the dock in San Fran. Also the interiors don't need to be rounded I'm sure you can...
  8. F

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    /signed This would be a welcome change!
  9. F

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    He has already done this with with at least one quest. You can now sneak into the raiders hideout and scare away their native guide.
  10. F

    How to Mod Player Character Progression?

    I am looking for a way to mod how the player character progresses each level. The main thing I want to change is how often one can get perks. For example, I would like to change getting a perc every three levels to say every level. My aim is to make a rebalance mod where you get less skills...
  11. F

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    I would like to report a bug I have been getting after activating the game speed multiplier in the ddraw.ini. My problem is that all the loading screens, like when you start up the game, the game menu screen etc. take ages to fade in and out. This is really anoying as it means starting and...