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  1. Bradylama

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    The reason we call them "nuclear bombs" and "atomic bombs" is because the destructive force is generated by a nuclear reaction that splits atoms. A dirty bomb would more accurately be called a radiation bomb. The objective being to spread radioactive material. There isn't any sign of struggle...
  2. Bradylama

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    You're confusing terms. Camp Searchlight was hit with a dirty bomb, not a nuclear one. The point was to irradiate the whole area, not obliterate it. Caesar isn't violating any of his "rules," the Legion is willing to do whatever it takes to conquer the profligates because it's their obligate...
  3. Bradylama

    EFAP on Fallout

    Before eugenics was discredited by the Nazis it was the accepted mainstream belief of both Liberals and Socialists. It's not at all a contradiction that Vault-Tec are liberal eugenicists.
  4. Bradylama

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    The Legion won't necessarily fall apart after Caesar dies because Legate Lanius is the actual avatar of everything the Legion represents. Lanius would be able to hold the Legion together as a conquering horde, but wouldn't know a single thing about managing a civilization. The Legion and the...
  5. Bradylama

    EFAP on Fallout

    "woke" and DEI are amorphous signifiers to begin with. They're stand-ins for what reactionaries hate about cultural niceties and workplace management strategies, but have ultimately little to do with what the words imply. But in Fallout TV the DEI is literal. 1. the populations of vaults 32 &...
  6. Bradylama

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Caesar's plans only stop making sense because of the limitations in his thinking. Caesar isn't even aware of how thoroughly he's alienated himself as a cynical actor ruling over a society of illiterate fanatics. The ironic thing about him is that he's a thoroughly modern character, produced by...
  7. Bradylama

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    I appreciate CT's obligate contrarianism and disordered thinking. It's gotten me to think about stuff I wouldn't have considered otherwise.
  8. Bradylama

    EFAP on Fallout

    I would actually argue that the entire premise of Fallout TV is that the villains are woke DEI culture warriors, in a sense, but few people pick up on it because it's reframed through the lens of liberal workplace grievances. The fact that Critical Drinker doesn't pick up on any of that is a...
  9. Bradylama

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    The problem with the Brotherhood War is that even though the NCR won 15-1, their attrition rate was atrocious. NCR recruits soldiery from the general citizenry, and massive losses of manpower translates directly into losses of agricultural labor. Which means less food and fewer plant-based...
  10. Bradylama

    EFAP on Fallout

    Critical Drinker's whole schtick is untrustworthy. Never take the word of an alcoholic. Harping on diversity for the culture war points is missing the forest for the trees, and misunderstands the purely cynical nature of Hollywood and New York media casting. Disney for instance never cared...
  11. Bradylama

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    It does make sense that an imperial power collapses when its metropole is wiped out in an instant, since losing the locus of power creates a massive power vacuum that will end up filled by rivals and opportunists - yet nobody has filled the power vacuum on the west coast. The NCR collapsed and...
  12. Bradylama

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Caesar also says that he intends to conquer California, which is the final step in his dialectical process. Caesar thinks that the Legion and NCR will mix and integrate cultures to form a synthesis that is more suited to meeting the harsh realities of the world as it is while also realizing some...
  13. Bradylama

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    If there was any indication of there being secessionist movements in the NCR you might be onto something, but you're not. The NCR was more than just a conquering empire, they're a nation-state whose explicit mission is to ultimately restore the United States and the old world. It's the most...
  14. Bradylama

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    IMO Fallout right now is at the same level as Brian Herbert's Butlerian Jihad.
  15. Bradylama

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    The Shih were never incorporated into the NCR. They should still be kicking around in San Francisco, yet there are no Chinese people anywhere in southern California to be seen. The only hint that the Shih still exist is the Dao used by Benjamin.
  16. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    Because the Enclave has vertibirds, and loyal goons with advanced power armor. We see in the intro that Dogmeat was being raised for some kind of cyberdog program so they could have literally hounded him down too. It's completely unnecessary with all the resources at their disposal, to attract...
  17. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    If the Enclave announced to the entire world about Wilzig and where he was headed, why didn't Moldaver show up in Filly with force to guarantee his safe transport? She's just leaving his ass blowing in the wind and he's the lynchpin of her entire plan.
  18. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    Yes, Honcho knowing about the Enclave and also that Wilzig is going to California to meet Moldaver also means the Enclave didn't have to issue the bounties if they know that much about Wilzig's plans already. They could have simply tracked him down. Even the Brotherhood knows that Wilzig is...
  19. Bradylama

    So what do people think of the characters?

    No, dude, Thaddeus isn't a true believer he's a toady. He says and does whatever it takes to kiss up and avoid being on the bottom rung like Maximus is. The show implies at the beginning that Maximus is a believer, but it's not true. Maximus doesn't believe in anything, or even really know about...
  20. Bradylama

    How would you do a Fallout Show?

    Yes, everyone post your ideas for a Fallout tv show.