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  1. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Bud you haven't said anything reasonable so far, all you've said is how much you hate Marxism and communism without speaking to the actual topic at hand. This whole tangent got started on the insistence that because capitalists act consistently in their own individual interests they're in direct...
  2. Bradylama

    EFAP on Fallout

    It's fucking wild how Sterling builds a whole career off of highlighting all the cynical business practices in the gaming industry, but when it comes to a thing they like suddenly none of that matters. At the beginning of Sterling's Fallout TV review they have a little aside where they complain...
  3. Bradylama

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    Oh man. I don't know how to tell you this, but the DLC locations are more civilized than the Commonwealth. Diamond City is the largest settlement in the game and it's the same size as Goodsprings population wise. The next largest town is an old world neighborhood with a sewer. Some people insist...
  4. Bradylama

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    In Fallout 4 a town and a farm are the same size, with the same population, and people farmstead as far away from protection as they can get, surrounded on all sides by ghouls and flesh devouring critters.
  5. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Deng's reforms WERE Marxist. Deng Xiaoping Thought is rooted in Marxist-Leninism and Maoism, with an eye to reforming China to meet the world context rather than maintaining the anemic growth rates of an internally driven socialist economy. Market reforms aren't liberal ipso facto of there being...
  6. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    The political content of the show is where it ultimately falls flat, so it's an unavoidable issue. The showrunners present a kind of liberal anti-politics which they consider non-ideological, which is the most ideological you can be.
  7. Bradylama

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    Hey now buddy, you're being unfair here. They played Fallout 4 too.
  8. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Sure, it's better to just cynically accept everything as it is and continue circling the drain of the liberal historical cycle, constantly repeating massacre after massacre as the franchise of the "free" constantly expands and contracts. These anticommunist platitudes are as stale as a box of...
  9. Bradylama

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    The super mutants can't maintain the culture of the Unity without the Master, which is why the Nightkin are so thoroughly screwed. Dumb super muties can always follow smart super muties with the brain power to find a new purpose for the mutant diaspora, but the Nightkin need stealth boys to help...
  10. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Marxism is ultimately nothing more than the study of actually existing capitalism.
  11. Bradylama

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    That's pretty much irrelevant. It's true that everyone who lives on the surface has had mild radiation and atmospheric FEV exposure in their genetic lineage, but some line has to be drawn to distinguish normal physiotypical humans and people who are so thoroughly mutated they're no longer...
  12. Bradylama

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    You can pretty much make it work however you want. It's pulp sci fi. But that's also why you do need more material like failed mutations and vault 4 natives with more radical mutations. Guys with extra noses and ears are a total snoozefest. Where are the mutants with tardigrade or amoeba...
  13. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    That's funny, because you're not disagreeing with it.
  14. Bradylama

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    Nothing else can produce the kind of mutations seen in gulpers besides FEV. They never say FEV in this season but that's obviously what's behind a lot of things. They even made it so developing FEV was originally an idea Leon got from Vault-Tec.
  15. Bradylama

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    You don't think that the mere existence of the Vault 4 natives fulfills the Master's purpose? The FEV dipping process was the Master's way of saving the wasteland from itself, and the V4 natives make it irrelevant. If the Master had V4 dwellers to experiment with they could have come up with a...
  16. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    You literally share the worldview of the showrunners.
  17. Bradylama

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    I didn't mention this in my notes, but the mere existence of Vault 4 breaks the setting. Vault 4, like Vault 33 has its entrance door sticking right out of the ground as the most identifiable landmark in the area. Everybody would have known about it, including The Master. The Master would have...
  18. Bradylama

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    Without acknowledging or showing that there were other experiments we don't really have anything to go on. Hawthorne says they were crossbreeding humans with radioactive resistant species, but all we see are the gulpers who are a human-axolotl hybrid. All the facilities we see were designed for...
  19. Bradylama

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    You just don't understand the objectives of capital. Burning the forest to save it is a common method of forestry to help control forest fires before conditions get too bad to control. When capitalists burn forests it's to clear it for cultivation or land development. Most importantly...